This site ( just published the entry below:
By Eugene Yeo
Attached below is an extract of Dr Allan Ooi’s email sent to his family and friends before his death. It was sent to us by his friend:
To: Wayang Party Editors
His suicide letter attached. Blackout from media on this. An inquiry into his supervisors and the whole scholarship process in the SAF should be demanded, someone lost a precious son/friend/brother.
We have elected to reproduce only relevant parts of Dr Allan Ooi’s email. In the last few days, the mainstream media, especially the Chinese dailies have been speculating about the cause of his death.
The Straits Times suggested it was due to over-indulgence in online war games. Lianhe Wanbao claimed that he committed suicide because he lost heavily in gambling. Shin Ming wrote that it may due to some relationship issues. None of these were true.
Like the smear campaign directed against David Widjaja, the mainstream media had been concocting all kinds of unsubstantiated tales to distract attention from the authorities which have yet to provide us with a satisfactory explanation.
The SPH journalists are aware of the content of Dr Allan Ooi’s email. Why didn’t they report the real reason behind his suicide and instead throw all kinds of smoke-bombs to mislead Singaporeans?
In his email below, Dr Allan Ooi stated explicitly that the main reason why he decided to end his life is due to work-related issues:
SAF needs to answer the following questions arising from Dr Allan Ooi’s email:
1. What does Dr Allan Ooi mean by his statement “How can a bond be unbreakable?” Did he inform SAF of his intention to break his bond and was told that he was not allowed to do so?
2. In the next sentence, Dr Allan Ooi wrote “How can it be extended at will by an administration simply by passing a paper?” SAF needs to explain why Dr Allan Ooi’s bond was extended. Did they consult Dr Allan Ooi and seek his acquiesence before the decision was made?
3. Dr Allan Ooi was very angry at the unfortunate turn of events - the extending of his bond and not allowing to break it, which drove him into utter despair and hopelessness culminating in his eventual decision to end his own life to get away from it all. What was the nature of his work at SAF? Who was his immediate superior or supervisor? How could he not detect the problems his subordinate was having at work? Is there any system in place to attend to scholars who have encountered problems in the course of their work?
4. Dr Allan Ooi made the fateful decision to end his life 5 months after leaving Singapore. SAF claimed it was unable to contact him, but surely the authorities must have emailed him and what were the contents of the email? Dr Allan Ooi left Singapore initially to escape from the pressure-cooker environment he was in. Were there any other factors which cause him to come to this decision in the end?
How can a promising young doctor who went through 6 rigorous years of medical studies and housemanship be so traumatized by his work that he had to AWOL and leave his family and friends to be alone by himself in a foreign land? How did SAF allow such a preventable tragedy to happen to its soldier?
We have not heard a single official statement from SAF, not even a word of sympathy or condolence so far. Dr Allan Ooi was a SAF scholar. He worked in SAF as a medical officer upon obtaining his medical degree and most importantly he was driven to suicide due to anguish, despair and stress arising from his work. How can SAF exonerate itself from its pastoral responsibility as if it has nothing to do with him?
As one of our readers, Agape Xue wrote on our blog:
“There seems to be a recent trend that many young scholars are taking their lives for granted, and commit suicides at the instance of meeting obstacles in their studies or career pursuit.
This is a very worrying phenomenon seemingly having its undesirable influence on today’s bright youngsters. This trend must be checked. Young people need to treasure their lives more,, need to know that they not only have a responsibility to themselves, they also need to know that they have a responsibility ensure that their parents live no guilt in raising them.
What pain is there more destructive to all parents to have to see to the funeral of their children.”
There is nobody to blame for Dr Allan Ooi’s untimely death and now is certainly not the time for pointing fingers. We need to know what exactly happen so that we will not see a repeat of such tragedies again.
To recall the cryptic last words of Dr Allan Ooi:
“To the people within this system, please change it to better benefit yourselves and future generations, instead of creating a self-perpetuating cycle of at best, painful obligation, and at worst, utter despair.”
NEVER take in, word by word from a state controlled media.
Uncles, aunties, foreigners they can fool, but sensible thinking adults should be able to judge.
Elections are coming, let Judgment Cometh!
he is the high flyer who will be able to change the system in the future. And he went and killed himself.
Singaporeans love money (at least a huge number of Singaporeans) above all else, at all costs.
As long as PAP can deliver the money into their pockets (in amounts that is acceptable to them) and they see the money in their pockets, they will vote PAP.
They do not care whether ot not they are entitled to more given how hard they work ... as long as there is money in their pockets....
They do not care if like the casino, other people are harmed ... as long as there is money in their pockets....
Apparently they do not even care that the PAP is unjustifiably takeing away so much of it ... as long as there is money in their pockets....
PAP gets that ....
I get it too. I am really pissed off that they are taking so much from the people and losing it to foreigners as a result fo their gambling addiction.
Even tho, he's taking the most selfish and cheapest and lousiest way out but I can imagine the horror and desperation if you are forced to do something u dun like for another decade or so..... more so if you are conned or pressurized into it
The question is, why he is unable to talk to his family, esp if the family is well known and influencial, should prob be able to do something about it.
Anyway, its not respectful to speculate on assumptions.
It is due to that fact his family is influential that he feels he may bring shame and at the same time, feel so distant from his own family, that he does not confide with his family.
the email add sounds so fake
Well, if he's playing world of warcraft i reckon it's a play on the word Draenei.
Hopefully there can be more confirmation on whether this letter is really true. Not trying to be an arse, but i'm skeptical .
probably is true... reading suicide notes... well, they are all about how hopeless things are, so no big surprise there...
Originally posted by skythewood:probably is true... reading suicide notes... well, they are all about how hopeless things are, so no big surprise there...
I don't deny that this is a suicide note, but whether if it is really his we have no idea.
The "state controlled" media hasn't exactly been shy about reporting about the dirt in the SAF why would they suddenly do so ? Is it because they got no confirmation on whether the letter is real?
Just because it supports an opinion that some in the forum has doesn't neccessarily equals truth.
The sucide email sounds so fake.
Even if it's true, there is insufficient evidence in the email to determine what "drove" him to his sucide.
And, whatever written may not be true also. Criminals are known to come out with excuses to try n reduce their charges externally, and internally justifing to themselves what they did or going to do is correct.
weak, so weak, if being a MO is like a prison. den being a A&E docter is like being in a overcrowded and noisy prison thats all.
whr gt ppl name their email wif dr de.
anyway, me wan to see the full letter.
nt edited one in favour of th opp party.
wondering where is the other part of the suicide note...
Somehow, i would choose to believe the note.
SAF is never welfare. And even if a soldier dies, do you think they would really properly answer to their families?
The mainstream media blasted their front pages with suicide caused by online gaming and possible gambling debt. And then trailed along effects of online gaming and gambling, even placed hotline numbers for gambling addicts.
The portion where the family members denied these were given paltry mention.
A clever way of diverting the real issues, the real questions.
Same tactic our government will be using this coming elections.
Let Judgment Cometh!
Originally posted by dotaro:The mainstream media blasted their front pages with suicide caused by online gaming and possible gambling debt. And then trailed along effects of online gaming and gambling, even placed hotline numbers for gambling addicts.
The portion where the family members denied these were given paltry mention.
A clever way of diverting the real issues, the real questions.
Same tactic our government will be using this coming elections.
Let Judgment Cometh!
I've just learned this!
The media is practicing Red Herring Fallacy!
The origins of the email seems doubtful... However are the contents accurate?
Strange.. Wierd
Why is his bonded service unbreakable?
In what ways has it been extended at will by the SAF?
I'm skeptical about the contents of this email, questions and answers surrounding the cause of his suicide are too clearly drawn for all to see. Too conclusive.
Originally posted by Lost_Drift:Strange.. Wierd wierd word meh??
Originally posted by Deino:the media is full of shit…
no urine ar?? only shit hor
seriously folks....
why is the bond unbreakable????
and the dead dude is not poor.... he cannot buy off the bond meh???