Originally posted by Hawk Eye:Hahaha....
Ya, save the trouble to examine his body. Just throw it somewhere else lor...
throw somewhere else to feed the crows? There are so many crows in sg.
Originally posted by Hawk Eye:face so white... must have used SK2
xiao bai lian! ha ha ha ha!
Originally posted by Hawk Eye:face so white... must have used SK2
Talking about SK2, the Thai rice we are eating is now so clean, strip of SK2. On face or in the stomach?
My pleas to all Singaporeans this is the time to wake up !!
After fattening themselves with "World Class Salary", and this is what they had to say instead of help the citizens?????
Please note we did not vote for most of you (MPs), you tweaked the "system" to have walkover victories which are really nothing to crow about.........
PAP and its leaders are geniuses!
They have mastered the art of controlling and manipulating people. A lot of Singaporeans admire the PAP because of the propoganda spouted day in day out, by the government controlled media...and indoctrinated in schools. And those who are not happy with PAP, most can't see any alternative party to vote for since the government ensure that no one opposition party can grow strong enough to challenge them.
The government has been dangling the carrot in front of its citizens...giving them a bite or two at times to appease them, but always keeping the rest of the carrots for themselves for "safe-keeping", after all they think the citizens are donkeys who would not be able to control themselves if given all the carrots.
Mr Sam Tan, MP for Tanjong Pagar GRC, is worried that Singaporeans might have been so mollycoddled by the Government
Name | : | Mr Sam Tan Chin Siong |
Constituency | : | Tanjong Pagar GRC |
Address | : |
65 Tanjong Katong Road Singapore 436957
Tel | : | 68414741 |
Fax | : | 68414882 |
: | samtan@cdac.org.sg |
Tanjong Pagar Group Representation Constituency
Election | Seats | Voters | Party | Candidate(s) | Votes | Votes % | |
Tanjong Pagar Group Representation Constituency | |||||||
Singapore general election, 1991 | 4 | 86,944 | PAP | Koo Tsai Kee Lee Kuan Yew Lim Hng Kiang S Vasoo |
Walkover | Walkover | |
Singapore general election, 1997 | 6 | 141,520 | PAP | Chay Wai Chuen Koo Tsai Kee Lee Kuan Yew Lim Swee Say Ow Chin Hock S Vasoo |
Walkover | Walkover | |
Singapore general election, 2001 | 6 | 141,150 | PAP | Chay Wai Chuen Chong Weng Chiew Indranee Thurai Rajah Khaw Boon Wan Koo Tsai Kee Lee Kuan Yew |
Walkover | Walkover | |
Singapore general election, 2006 | 6 | 148,095 | PAP | Baey Yam Keng Indranee Thurai Rajah Koo Tsai Kee Lee Kuan Yew Lui Tuck Yew Tan Chin Siong |
Walkover | Walkover |
Look whose talking?
Look which mother fucker is talking?
Walkover, walkover, walkover, walkover, no wonder talk like political moron lah.
He didn't even mother fucking give a fucking speech during fucking elections!
This bastard mollycuddled by PAP and GRC system for TOO long already.
He is in Tanjong Pagar GRC, free rider with Lee Kuan Yew, all walkover and he HAS the GALL to come tell us Singaporeans not to be "mollycuddled".
Singapore general election, 2006 6 148,095 PAP
Baey Yam Keng
Indranee Thurai
Koo Tsai Kee
Lee Kuan Yew
Lui Tuck Yew
Tan Chin Siong
Wao complaining about a job they are paid so highly for this is a new low
Originally posted by Ah Chia:This bastard mollycuddled by PAP and GRC system for TOO long already.
He is in Tanjong Pagar GRC, free rider with Lee Kuan Yew, all walkover and he HAS the GALL to come tell us Singaporeans not to be "mollycuddled".
Singapore general election, 2006 6 148,095 PAP
Baey Yam Keng
Indranee Thurai Rajah
Koo Tsai Kee
Lee Kuan Yew
Lui Tuck Yew
Tan Chin SiongWalkover
lui tuck yew is pro elites, do house visiting to elites' houses only and leave out the hdb dwellers. I have few friends in his constituency staying in HDB flat.
All these ministers chosen by lky all have the same traits as lky.
singaporeans are so shortchanged. WE vote political party to help us, public. We don't vote them to take money from us and do nothing. So what's there to bitch about helping people. If so against helping people, I suggest the sickening, uncaring, bloody arrogant toad Sam Tan quit being a MP. He is an elite how much can he understand what the ordinary folks are facing.
Sam Tan, please step down as MP. You are not fit to serve the public.
Originally posted by Fantagf:PAP are the ones who are being mollycoddled.
One such good example is, the lifts in SGH are stopped for them to use, the patients and public are not to use the same lifts as them. I have seen this too many times when I visited SGH.
My neighbour was with her sick husband in the wheelchair was stopped from using the lift because the security guard was stopping the lift for use for some VIP/VVIP. When my neighbour looked behind she saw Goh chok tong coming. She was furious and asked if the patients and public are allowed to use, she explained that her husband is sick and it is not fair to stop public to use the lift for the sake of the arrival of the big shot or whoever and moreover the lifts are meant for public and patients use. The guy still did not allow her in. She did not care and pushed her husband in.
People please vote PAP out, they are heartless and ever so fast to talk down , put down singaporeans.
Wow.. I didn't know Goh Chok Tong is in wheel chair.. if not why can't he walk up the stairs ah ?
Originally posted by Fantagf:
You think elite like him will climb the stairs?
Ask his kah kia to carry him up lor.
Come next election, they will mollycoddle everyone with thousands of dollars to vote them into power again.
Originally posted by jojobeach:Wow.. I didn't know Goh Chok Tong is in wheel chair.. if not why can't he walk up the stairs ah ?
Gotta make full use of his VIP status to be treated special lor. SGH excellent in por lumpar PAP.
Shame on you Tan Chin Siong, you are in a GRC with Lee Kuan Yew and you were never elected into parliament, no one voted for you, you never gave a speech to Singaporeans during elections and you have shown arrogance by lecturing to us on "mollycuddled".
You have never faced up to any opposition politician and through uncontested elections and a controlled state media, you became a member of Parliamant.
If this was truely a democratic country Tan Chin Siong, your political career would had been over a long time ago.
Shame on you Tan Chin Siong, you are a clown, a charade and a disgrace to us.
Wah, use the term "mollycoddled". I don't even understand what it means. Super elitist english terms.
Originally posted by Ah Chia:Shame on you Tan Chin Siong, you are in a GRC with Lee Kuan Yew and you were never elected into parliament, no one voted for you, you never gave a speech to Singaporeans during elections and you have shown arrogance by lecturing to us on "mollycuddled".
You have never faced up to any opposition politician and through uncontested elections and a controlled state media, you became a member of Parliamant.
If this was truely a democratic country Tan Chin Siong, your political career would had been over a long time ago.
Shame on you Tan Chin Siong, you are a clown, a charade and a disgrace to us.
Look, he is a back bencher http://www.pmo.gov.sg/News/Transcripts/Prime+Minister/Backbenchers+with+potential+being+tracked.htm
Last updated on 14 May 2009 |
There are People's Action Party MPs who also show good potential, he told reporters yesterday.
'I've not promoted them yet, but we're watching them and we will promote some of them in due course,' he said, without naming them.
But he believes that these 'one or two' others will benefit from spending another year or two as MPs.
'In some cases, we can't spare them from where they are. So it's a balance and we've just held the position for now,' he said.
Mr Tan, 50, is an MP for Tanjong Pagar GRC, executive director of the Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC) and chief executive of networking group Business China.
He will become Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) and the Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts (Mica) on July 1.
The Prime Minister said of Mr Tan: 'He has good ground feel. He makes very thoughtful speeches in Parliament, recently, for example, on the Hota amendment.'
Hota is the Human Organ Transplant Act. Parliament debated changes last week which will allow reimbursements to be made to living kidney donors, among other things. The amendments were passed on March 24.
Mr Lee revealed that Mr Tan's new appointment to two ministries are a result of requests from both.
'He's bilingual and he's able to contribute both in Mica and in MTI,' he said.
'In Mica because the Chinese media and the Chinese arts and cultural scene are important, and in MTI because we're cultivating the Chinese business and economic relationships, and that is a very important account for us.'
Mr Lee said that it will not be easy to replace Mr Tan at the self-help group CDAC or at Business China.
'But between the CDAC and Business China and coming in and making a contribution in Government, I think he can make a bigger contribution in Government,' he explained.
-end of ST article
Originally posted by Ah Chia:Shame on you Tan Chin Siong, you are in a GRC with Lee Kuan Yew and you were never elected into parliament, no one voted for you, you never gave a speech to Singaporeans during elections and you have shown arrogance by lecturing to us on "mollycuddled".
You have never faced up to any opposition politician and through uncontested elections and a controlled state media, you became a member of Parliamant.
If this was truely a democratic country Tan Chin Siong, your political career would had been over a long time ago.
Shame on you Tan Chin Siong, you are a clown, a charade and a disgrace to us.
Mr Chia.. for a mollycoddled man like Mr Tan CS.. he may be our first MP to commit suicide out of shame.. if he ever gets to read this most direct and honest opinion.
Super elitist english terms.
He is in Lee Kuan Yew's GRC you know.
That is correct, what sorting of fucking term is "mollycoddled", Tan Chin Siong?
You can't even use an honest term that everyone understands.
Shame on you.
Curriculum Vitae | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
IN Taiwan, he will be asked to leave already. With the iron fist and sissy as his background, people can expect more nuisance from him.
sam tan chin siong u are not fit to serve the public, please quit. u look like xiao bai lian, pui, spit at u!
I had to search the dictionary term for "mollycoddled". For the rest of us without any clue:
To be overprotective and indulgent toward. See synonyms at pamper.
A person, especially a man or a boy, who is pampered and overprotected.
I want all my CPF money back, I can take care of my own goddamn self.
Originally posted by Fantagf:IN Taiwan, he will be asked to leave already. With the iron fist and sissy as his background, people can expect more nuisance from him.
sam tan chin siong u are not fit to serve the public, please quit. u look like xiao bai lian, pui, spit at u!
I think Tan CS is like a kept man.. Kept by PAP..
Maybe he coulda become a threat to PAP if he becomes an opposition.
We don't really know his true ability because he never really had the chance to prove himself.
A person, especially a man or a boy, who is pampered and overprotected.
He belongs to Lee Kuan Yew's GRC.
So far all walkover for decades.
Has never faced opposition.
GRC system allows clowns like him to be in parliament, this is seriously a rubbish system.
And what racial bullshit are they talking about?
David Marshall was a jew, Lee Kuan Yew is a baba and JBJ was Tamil.
Originally posted by ditzy:I had to search the dictionary term for "mollycoddled".
For the rest of us without any clue:
To be overprotective and indulgent toward. See synonyms at pamper.
A person, especially a man or a boy, who is pampered and overprotected.
I want all my CPF money back, I can take care of my own goddamn self.
Where in sg is the PAP govt overprotecting and pampering the locals who feed them? lhl already stated a couple of times that sg is not a welfare state. He does not even know what his boss is standing firm for and only excellent in bitching, making noise.