Someone told me that the Tampines St 82 there blk 800 plus (for those who know where izzit) the playground there, he told me that at 12 midnight, got what ghost and potianak. also told me that ppl also saw it and took pic and maybe vid put in youtube....
not true.
that is just a woman falling to her death wearing white clothes.
and people tyco tyco catch picture den look like pontianak.
sumthing like that.
Rule #4....They are all around us.....
Yea. Its true. So u better becareful if u wanna go there.
Nc-16 Horror and violent scenes.
You are mere 13!
wait 3 more years first.
go find out urself.
for me to know & for you to find out
yes, tampines is very haunted. i've stayed here since i was born.. especially after watching the late night movies at century square & tampines mall. and sun plaza park too.
at nite u go paktor wif ur gf n u'll knw le loh.