Hello Fellow SgForumsiders,
I wanted to post this with a video attachment link to alert you of this strange rumbling sound which I heard 2 weeks ago in North East Singapore (SK/Buankok area) around 1.30 am in the morning. It's a typical weekday wee hour morning.
The strange rumbling hum likes uni-directional. i.e. you cannot local the source. It's not as loud as hear in the video. The family was pretty alarmed. I too was a bit taken aback with the constant rumbling for about 1 hour. Ended around 2.20am.
This is not the first time I am hearing this. I have NOT taken a video of this. But i will video it the next time if I hear it again. A friend of mine who stayed in serangoon north also confirmed hearing it. He said he heard it around 4 am in the morning.
I am attaching a video of a family in florida who has similar experience. In fact, a quick search of the web reveals that we are not the first in Singapore to experience this particular type of phenomenon.
Anyone with more info or have personally hear this sorts of strange rumbling sound please contribute.
Follow this link to youtube to hear this:
Air force tech running a jet engine?
Must be the airforce flying their drone aircraft. I hear that crap all the time in sungei gedong, and look in the sky trying to pinpoint that shit.
The fact is the drone stays at one location for up to an hour? Whatever for? Cos the sound I hear was constantly the same for almost 1 hour and the sound came from everywhere. I wouldn't want to speculate that it's some drone craft cos' the sound is way too "expansive". Anyway, hope more people will some clue of what's really going on.
I am not rejecting the idea of a drone craft or whatever it is...maybe this "mystery" goes even deeper? Who knows right....
Please do a seach of what other people in the world are experiencing too... Kindly strange do you think?
.................a hum in the sky?
rumbling too???
then dat should be a ufo.
we belive in flying laksas n ufo crackers too.
Originally posted by Tachyonbeam:The fact is the drone stays at one location for up to an hour? Whatever for? Cos the sound I hear was constantly the same for almost 1 hour and the sound came from everywhere. I wouldn't want to speculate that it's some drone craft cos' the sound is way too "expansive". Anyway, hope more people will some clue of what's really going on.
I am not rejecting the idea of a drone craft or whatever it is...maybe this "mystery" goes even deeper? Who knows right....
Please do a seach of what other people in the world are experiencing too... Kindly strange do you think?
....special projects...
its american made...floatation drones.they dun fly but simply hover at one particular area.normally meant to be shot down by jet fighters etc.
hmmm...this sounds bad.....u got a hard hat?
reply posted on 9-5-2009 @ 01:36 PM by Mistyh
Hi Hitman Submarine,
Thanks for attaching some of the reports people have been filing from all around the world.
So I am not BS'ing. This phenomenon is real in SG too. I am not panicking as there's no point. Don't submit your power by giving in to fear. Although we do not and cannot understand at this point what is really going on, but the concensus is that SOMETHING is going on, right?
I do hope that more people will be aware of what's really going on other than Gucci, Prada, Bottega and LV.
We need a reality check sometimes. Open your eyes and your ears so that you may see or hear.
Originally posted by Pitot:its our gundam taking off and doing static observation in the air lah, this also dont know, u sure you singaporean?????
yer gundam scientists n engineers are all overseas.the ones in spore are ones making domestic n medical products.
Originally posted by Tachyonbeam:Hi Hitman Submarine,
Thanks for attaching some of the reports people have been filing from all around the world.
So I am not BS'ing. This phenomenon is real in SG too. I am not panicking as there's no point. Don't submit your power by giving in to fear. Although we do not and cannot understand at this point what is really going on, but the concensus is that SOMETHING is going on, right?
I do hope that more people will be aware of what's really going on other than Gucci, Prada, Bottega and LV.
We need a reality check sometimes. Open your eyes and your ears so that you may see or hear.
is ok....fer a while i thought sgforum has another IMH member.:)
reply posted on 9-5-2009 @ 07:51 PM by Jeanne22
It is happening right now in Tanjong Rhu.
I think it started around half an hour ago.
I live opposite a school, and the weird thing is the school bell started ringing, and the rumbling sound began at the same time around 3.35am.
The bell stopped after ten minutes but the rumbling is still going.
I've heard it about 2 or 3 times the past few weeks...but never for this long.
It's really creeping me out @___@
lol drones are meant to be quiet
USA navy seal flying over
Originally posted by Jiani:USA navy seal flying over
congrats pal it's the last thing you'll ever hear. who ask you to be an evil prick your whole life.