E rumoured systems is e Elisra SPS-3000 EW suite same 1 tat fitted on our BLK52+ F-16DJ
E E/O device had been comfirmed 2 be an IRST system
For our F-15SG it does seems like only e pliot has e JHMCS
second batch 12 planes cost US$1 billions.--or 83 million a pieces.--David Boey
i heard F16 costs 50 m for a piece.
The Straits Times page H7
i have a joke .This F15 SG is to replace the already A4 SU.
It will take at least 2 years before we can see them flying in SG.
If SG can afford to have a void without A4 replacement,do
we really need F 15 SG?
Not la US $1b include 200 AIM-120C-5/7, 200 AIM-9X, 30 JSOW-A, 30 JSOW-C, 50 JDAM, 50 JDAM kits, 24 AMRAAM CAT rds, 24 AIM-9X CAT rds & 24 Link-16 Data-links + 12 aircrafts
Anyway I forsee another 24 aircraft if they r going 2 replace e F-5 also in e future
i think its better if you work on your citations and referencing, if not ah you go tertiery level you will suffer...
http://www.zaobao.com/sp/sp081105_507_2.shtml 05 nov 2008
some info very interesting--only from zao bao!!
-----4 planes in test flights,6th and 7 th on assembly line,
-----F15S for Saudi,therefore SG for Singapore
---can start assembly 6 months after ordering parts .Take 3 years for assembly.
-----USA intends to use F15 until 2035 and invest more.SG can be benefited.
----life span 16,000 hours and more than 30 years.Space for ungrading.
(lion note---10 hour per week for 30 yrs==16,000 hours)
---improved air--cond for AESD radar
---battle results of F15 ,ç±³æ ¼21=MIG 21
� 陈颖佳报� 美国密�里州圣路易斯
第一批F-15SG多功能战斗机明年第二å£ç§»äº¤æ–°åŠ å�¡ç©ºå†›ã€‚åˆ¶é€ å•†æ³¢éŸ³å…¬å�¸è¡¨ç¤ºï¼ŒF-15SG计划如期进展,预计å�¯åœ¨2012年完æˆ�全部24架F-15SGçš„åˆ¶é€ å·¥ç¨‹ã€‚
首架F-15SG在美国ä¸éƒ¨æ—¶é—´æ˜¨å¤©ä¸Šå�ˆçš„出厂仪å¼�ä¸äº®ç›¸ã€‚出å¸å˜‰å®¾åŒ…æ‹¬ç¾Žå›½é©»æ–°åŠ å�¡å¤§ä½¿å¸•ç¿ 茜·èµ«å�šå°”å¾·å’Œæ–°åŠ å�¡ç©ºå†›æ€»é•¿é»„志勤少将。
第一批4架F-15SG也开始进入试飞阶段,明年第二å£ç§»äº¤æ–°åŠ å�¡ç©ºå†›ï¼Œè¿›é©»çˆ±è¾¾è�·å·žè’™å»·éœ�姆(Mountain Home)空军基地。空军将使用这批新战斗机进行维修è®ç»ƒã€‚
空军è´ä¹°çš„F-15E称为F-15SG。波音以订è´å›½å®¶å��称的开头å—æ¯�为该国F-15çš„ç¼–å�·ï¼Œä¾‹å¦‚F-15Kçš„K就指韩国(Korea),而F-15S则是专为沙地阿拉伯制作。由于Så·²è®©æ²™åœ°ç”¨åŽ»ï¼Œæ–°åŠ å�¡äºŽæ˜¯é€‰ç”¨SG,也就是互è�”ç½‘ä¸Šæ–°åŠ å�¡çš„缩写。
该厂战斗机项目总è£�查德维克也说,波音有信心能在2012年完æˆ�24架F-15SG的生产。他说,为韩国生产的F-15K能æ��å‰�å‡ ä¸ªæœˆäº¤è´§ï¼Œ“å› æ¤æ²¡æœ‰ç�†ç”±ä¼šå»¶è¿Ÿï¼ˆF-15SG)交货。”
巴斯说,F-15是美国空军骨干,情况至少维æŒ�到2035年,美国军方还会继ç»å¯¹F-15进行更多投入,æ��å�‡ä½œæˆ˜èƒ½åŠ›ï¼Œæ–°åŠ å�¡ç©ºå†›èƒ½ä»Žä¸å�—益。
æ¤å¤–,F-15SG的使用期长1万6000个飞行å°�时,å�¯è¿�作超过30年,它ä¸�å�ªè¶³ä»¥æ»¡è¶³ç¬¬ä¸‰ä»£æ–°åŠ å�¡ç©ºå†›çš„作战需求,也有足够的装备å�‡çº§ç©ºé—´ã€‚
他说:“F-15SG体型较大,有更大空间装置先进é…�备,如尖端的扫æ��阵列天线(AESAï¼‰é›·è¾¾ã€‚æ–°åŠ å�¡å¤©æ°”ç‚Žçƒï¼Œæˆ‘ä»¬å› æ¤åˆ©ç”¨é¢�外空间改良空调系统和冷å�´ç³»ç»Ÿã€‚”
波音公å�¸è¡¨ç¤ºå°†ä¸Žæ–°åŠ å�¡ç©ºå†›ç´§å¯†å�ˆä½œï¼Œæ��å�‡ä½œæˆ˜èƒ½åŠ›ï¼Œåˆ¶æ¢é…�备过时问题,并设立战斗机零é…�件的供应链。
赫å�šå°”德大使在出厂仪å¼�致è¯�时说,F-15SG出厂是新美政府和军方å�ˆä½œçš„å…¸èŒƒã€‚å¥¹è¯´ï¼Œæ–°åŠ å�¡æ¯�å¹´æ´¾800人å�‚与美国国防部培è®è®¡åˆ’ã€‚é™¤äº†æ–°åŠ å�¡äººå‘˜å¸¸é©»ç¾Žå›½ç©ºå†›åŸºåœ°ï¼Œç¾Žå†›ä¹Ÿå¸¸ä½¿ç”¨æ–°åŠ å�¡è®¾æ–½ã€‚
他也说,新美空军的“和平å�¡æ–‡”(Peace Carvin)è®ç»ƒè®¡åˆ’今年进入第21年,F-15SGä¸é˜Ÿæ˜Žå¹´4月驻扎爱达è�·å·žè’™å»·éœ�姆空军基地,æˆ�为该计划下派驻美国空军基地的第五批人员。
美国空军的F-15,在1991年打伊拉克的战争ä¸ï¼Œæ‰“下5架è‹�åˆ¶ç±³æ ¼29ã€�8æž¶ç±³æ ¼23ã€�å�„ä¸¤æž¶ç±³æ ¼21ã€�ç±³æ ¼25å’Œç±³æ ¼26ã€�3架è‹�22ã€�2架è‹�25å’Œ1架è‹�7战斗机。它们也击è�½2架米24å’Œ1架米8ç›´å�‡æœºã€‚伊拉克的3æž¶æ³•å›½åˆ¶é€ çš„å¹»å½±ï¼ˆMirage)也被击è�½ã€‚
F-15被军事家公认为全世界最优秀的战斗机,在近20å¤šå¹´ç¾Žå›½æ‰€æ‰“çš„å‡ åœºæˆ˜äº‰ä¸ï¼Œå‡»è�½äº†101架飞机,而本身å�´ä¸€æž¶æ— æ�Ÿã€‚å� è�½çš„F-15多是在å�„ç§�人为ã€�技术或零件问题的æ„�外情况下å�‘生。
美国的F-15也在1999年科索沃战争ä¸ï¼Œä»¥AIM 120ä¸ç¨‹ç©ºå¯¹ç©ºå¯¼å¼¹æ‰“下4æž¶ç±³æ ¼29。这是F-15首次å�‘å°„AIM 120击è�½æ•Œæ–¹æˆ˜æ–—机。
以色列空军拥有的F-15,在1979年到1985å¹´çš„ä¸ä¸œå†²çª�ä¸ï¼Œæ›´æ‰“下了27æž¶ç±³æ ¼21ã€�20æž¶ç±³æ ¼23å’Œ3æž¶ç±³æ ¼25战斗机。
国防部是在2005年9月选定F-15为�代A-4SU地�攻击机的战斗机群。在这之�,�与竞争的机�有法国的狂风型(Rafale)�欧洲�风型战 斗机(Eurofighter Typhoon)�美国F-16战鹰型和F-18大黄蜂型,�俄罗斯的�凯SU-30型。
å½“æ—¶æ–°åŠ å�¡å�ª 表明è´ä¹°12架F-15ã€‚æ ¹æ�®ç¾Žå›½å›½é˜²éƒ¨ï¼Œè¿™æ‰¹æˆ˜æ–—机连å�Œæ¦å™¨ç³»ç»Ÿå�Šå�Žå‹¤ä¸ŽåŸ¹è®é…�套总值7亿4100万美元(约12亿4700万新元)。æ¦å™¨ç³»ç»ŸåŒ…括空对 空超音速导弹å�Šå�«æ˜Ÿå¯¼èˆªå¯¼å¼¹ï¼Œå¦‚200æžšAIM-120C型先进ä¸ç¨‹ç©ºå¯¹ç©ºå¯¼å¼¹(AMRAAM)ã€�50枚精确制导导弹(Joint Direct Attack Muni-tions——JDAMs)以å�Š200æžšAIM-9åž‹å“�尾蛇(Sidewinder)地对空导弹ç‰ã€‚
国防部在去年10月宣布多买12架,使所定è´çš„总数24架。虽然国防部和波音ä¸�公布æ¯�架F-15SGçš„é€ ä»·ï¼Œä½†ç½‘ä¸Šèµ„æ–™æ˜¾ç¤ºä¸�å�Œåž‹çš„F-15C/D,10å¹´å‰�é€ ä»·3000万美元(4400ä¸‡æ–°åŠ å�¡å…ƒï¼‰ã€‚
æ–°åŠ å�¡å›½é˜²ç§‘技局在国防部决定采è´F-15å�Žï¼ŒæŽ¥æ‰‹ç®¡ç�†é‡‡è´è®¡åˆ’。
éš�ç�€A-4SU退役,空军目å‰�è¿�作的战斗机ç§�是F-5E/F猛虎二型和F-16D 52型款战斗机。战斗机ä¸é˜Ÿå…¨å½’空军战斗指挥部指挥。--end of quote
the F15 are used to replace our A4s and not F5s??
and that special helmet is nothig special, this technology has exists for many years out there already and already in the rsaf.
Tat why i say IF in e future
& yes u rite this tech is nothing new, in fact we r using DASH 3 on our T/R/F-5S & BLK52 F-16C/DJ
Ahh... wait til you get one that see through base of your cockpit. =D
Originally posted by Shotgun:Ahh... wait til you get one that see through base of your cockpit. =D
what for ?
they should fuse SAR (synthetic aperture radar) and DAS to create a 360 degree sensory mode.
that one really GOD mode. can see everything from any angle.
Originally posted by stellazio:the F15 are used to replace our A4s and not F5s??
and that special helmet is nothig special, this technology has exists for many years out there already and already in the rsaf.
Ya its meant to take over the ground attack role of the A4s. The F-5s should be replaced by the F-35.
And Lionnoisy, U SHOULD SHUT UP! Ur command of english is totally atrocious, and u are giving us info that is pretty useless.
is an impressive bird. but I sometime wonder the effectiveness as a fighter when pitch against the newer Su.
Originally posted by Arapahoe:is an impressive bird. but I sometime wonder the effectiveness as a fighter when pitch against the newer Su.
F15/F16 against Su-30 in a dogfight (in context of 1v1).... quite iffy lah.especially with the Su-30 so manueverable with its TVC. ever seen a F16 on an offensive position on a Su-30 get into defensive very very quickly? haha. F15 probably fare abit worse.
the new helmet mounted sights with the high-off boresight aim-9x would help to equal the odds a little in the dogfight. but then if the Su-30s have those new toys like mounted sights then we're back to square one. even the russian AA-11 is quite lethal already. the F-22 is supposed to match and outperform it but then we probably won't see it in SEA. F-35 is supposed to be good in strike but its's air-to-air capability still not very well-known.
but then with the BVR weapons, it'll be down to who flies faster/higher/longer range-missile, better radar, better tactics, better ECM. they'll be lofting missiles at each other like nobody's business and don't go 1v1!! haha
Originally posted by bloodsucker:
Ya its meant to take over the ground attack role of the A4s. The F-5s should be replaced by the F-35.And Lionnoisy, U SHOULD SHUT UP! Ur command of english is totally atrocious, and u are giving us info that is pretty useless.
Lionnoisy's English, I can put up with. It is those posts done in shorthand or SMS style that really irritates me.
If you can't type properly, don't post.
ArEn'T YoU gLaD nO oNe'S dOiNg ThIs YeT? Oh wAiT ... I jUsT dID :D
i really dont know where you guys get your idea from that the strike eagles are replacing our skyhawks and that the F35's are replacing our F5s..
Originally posted by stellazio:i really dont know where you guys get your idea from that the strike eagles are replacing our skyhawks and that the F35's are replacing our F5s..
Skyhawks A-4SU retired in 2005 and replaced by F 15SG!!
15 Feb 2008 ... F-15 fighter jet by Boeing to replace its ageing fleet of A-4SU Super Skyhawks. ..
The Republic of Singapore Air Force has also selected the US-made F-15 fighter jet by Boeing to replace its ageing fleet of A-4SU Super Skyhawks.
MINDEF - News - RSAF Replaces Ageing A-4SU Super Skyhawks (14 Jul ...2000)
long term planning.No last minute stuff and suprises.
it has already been non existent for 3 years.. you dont call that a replacement.. and F15s are well known for their air to air capabilities which is what the F5's are also known for.. And our F16's are well equipped for the strike role.
Go on, believe all the news that you read. Our skyhawks are now only used as trainers for trainee fighter pilots.
erm, i believe there is no doubt that we have A4s in strategic reserves but the strike eagles, like that their name suggests, can carry a truckload of bombs.
Perhaps it isnt a total replacement for the A4 but more so as a stop gap measure that many suggest, but it is no doubt that they are precision stike machines.
So many take it that its buying a bomb truck to replace another bomb truck.
Originally posted by kotay:ArEn'T YoU gLaD nO oNe'S dOiNg ThIs YeT? Oh wAiT ... I jUsT dID :D
that is like grating eyes. really painful. why on earth do people do that ?
whats the use of having a few A4 in reserves when there are no pilots for it? the only remaining pilots left still capable of flying the A4's are those trainers in france now, as the last batch of the A4 pilots have already been converted to either F5s or F16s..
And if you're telling me the F35's are here to replaced our F5s.. all i can do is..
reservists, no?
But u have to admit that the F15 can do what an A4 does and does it better...
I mean, look at the mexicans for a hint of what we are trying to do? no doubt slightly different but its in the same wavelength.
No one is arguing that the F15SG cant dogfight, but with such a low number purchased, it certainly has to be used in more valued missions other than air superiority right?
nope, no more A4 reservist pilots.. a pilot loses currency after 1 month of not flying. and there is no more A4 squadrons..
Well in the first place, the whole point of the Air Force is national air defence and not really a strike dominated capability force.. Sure they can perform the strike role, every modern day jet nowadays are hybrids but i believe our F16's are tasked for that role.
okay, u shld know better than me on the manpower issue so i might be wrong on that.
the block 52 plus yea we know, together with the F15SGs..
just like the mexicans sufa's and ra'am. hahaha
not trying to hint anything, but the key here is deep strike...
Operation Orchard?