Originally posted by Francesco Toldo:get another goon to marry her. solved all the problem.
Goon like you are just as irresponsible and bad as the TS.
Happybananami, you get ready to go boys' home, jail and rottan.
What you did will catch up on you when the time is right. I say enjoy it when it comes to you when the time is right.
hahahahahahahah ..............
Originally posted by SJS6638:Goon like you are just as irresponsible and bad as the TS.
you must be a real goon not to sense the sarcastic reply towards ts.
Originally posted by Francesco Toldo:you must be a real goon not to sense the sarcastic reply towards ts.
TS is not a goon. He is irresponsible.
Originally posted by SJS6638:TS is not a goon. He is irresponsible.
ts is not a good. the goon is you, who believe him.
Originally posted by Francesco Toldo:ts is not a good. the goon is you, who believe him.
the goon is you for your distorted view.
Originally posted by SJS6638:the goon is you for your distorted view.
you the goon who cant sense what is going on. grow up.
Originally posted by Francesco Toldo:you the goon who cant sense what is going on. grow up.
You Grow up to keep being a goon.
Originally posted by SJS6638:You Grow up to keep being a goon.
small boy is forever a small boy. grow up goon.
Originally posted by Francesco Toldo:small boy is forever a small boy. grow up goon.
You are a goon to determine gender of others. To you, the one who wears skirt must be a gal .... hahahahah , oh Rooney, please grow up!
Originally posted by SJS6638:You are a goon to determine gender of others. To you, the one who wears skirt must be a gal .... hahahahah , oh Rooney, please grow up!
oh lets see who need to grow up. come come we come outside settle. see this little boy got the balls. state time and venue.
Originally posted by Francesco Toldo:oh lets see who need to grow up. come come we come outside settle. see this little boy got the balls. state time and venue.
rooney09, you still have not changed your way. You like to fight ....... Who is little boy? That is you rooney09. hahahahahah ... now you no more bashing the christians huh......
Originally posted by SJS6638:rooney09, you still have not changed your way. You like to fight ....... Who is little boy? That is you rooney09. hahahahahah ... now you no more bashing the christians huh......
you very responsible right? be responsible for your statement. dare not come out? only talk big in forum? small boy. grow up goon.
Originally posted by Francesco Toldo:you very responsible right? be responsible for your statement. dare not come out? only talk big in forum? small boy. grow up goon.
You think you are very intelligent to tell the gender of the forumer user, foot lah. Cannot get the basic right don't act big.
rooney09, you think we cannot recognize you , hahahah. You use to be interested in Hello Kitty and was rejected by Hello Kitty. hahahaha.
You use another nick which is your present one Francesco Toldo to post in sgf to tell about your sexual stuff ......... hahhahahahahahah shame on you.
Originally posted by SJS6638:You think you are very intelligent to tell the gender of the forumer user, foot lah. Cannot get the basic right don't act big.
rooney09, you think we cannot recognize you , hahahah. You use to be interested in Hello Kitty and was rejected by Hello Kitty. hahahaha.
You use another nick which is your present one Francesco Toldo to post in sgf to tell about your sexual stuff ......... hahhahahahahahah shame on you.
you are very stupid to guess that i am rooney09.
small boy, you really need to grow up. francesco toldo nick already exist since year 2000.
boy oh boy, grow up please.
look like this boy dare not meet me to verify if i m rooney09.
Originally posted by Francesco Toldo:you are very stupid to guess that i am rooney09.
small boy, you really need to grow up. francesco toldo nick already exist since year 2000.
boy oh boy, grow up please.
look like this boy dare not meet me to verify if i m rooney09.
Don't deny. Other forumers know you are also rooney09. Grow some wisdom, rooney09 aka Francesco Toldo.
Originally posted by SJS6638:Don't deny. Other forumers know you are also rooney09. Grow some wisdom, rooney09 aka Francesco Toldo.
small boy is forever a small boy.
since you saying i denying, i challenge you to meet me outside.
Originally posted by Francesco Toldo:small boy is forever a small boy.
since you saying i denying, i challenge you to meet me outside.
Let's meet in Istana. Pm's office.
Originally posted by SJS6638:Let's meet in Istana. Pm's office.
look like you need protection. see you there small boy.
goon like you don't even get my gender right and in your foolishness keeps insisting I am a boy. hahahahahah, see who is the real goon.......
Originally posted by SJS6638:goon like you don't even get my gender right and in your foolishness keeps insisting I am a boy. hahahahahah, see who is the real goon.......
you got nothing new? making silly assumption? small boy, stop chasing after bus and grow up.
Originally posted by Francesco Toldo:you got nothing new? making silly assumption? small boy, stop chasing after bus and grow up.
It is ok, since you love to hallucinate. Continue your hallucination that I am a boy.
hahahahahhahaha ........................
Originally posted by SJS6638:It is ok, since you love to hallucinate. Continue your hallucination that I am a boy.
hahahahahhahaha ........................
your intelligent dont show that you have grown up.
Originally posted by Francesco Toldo:your intelligent dont show that you have grown up.
Your foolishness and hallucination tell you I am a boy. hahahahahahhahaha ...............
Originally posted by SJS6638:Your foolishness and hallucination tell you I am a boy. hahahahahahhahaha ...............
as compared to your intelligent to say i am rooney09