Originally posted by xXBlack_RebelXx:
to neversaygoodbye, yeah I guess if you can connect deeply to a certain band that they are essentially to you emo?
.....well, not exactly. People have taken the word " emo'' too seriously. It is just a term coined out by some big fat music producers to categorize a certain kind of music just to give the rock music scene some fresh air. Some bands caught on and jump in the bandwagon in order to associate themselves with the current trend of rock music. Emo bands are not truely and sincere musician by a certain degrees. They write songs that they know the mass audience will want to listen AND not really what they believe in. Another mild word to to use is "sell out".
As expected, emo rock is fading as fast as the midnight train. Five years from now, no one will give a damn s.hit about emo bands or their so called sentimental music. Just like fashions, it comes and goes. But music from the true heart's of real rock musicians will stay for a long long time.
I am not a conformist, I don't simply accept what the music industry force me to listen or agree with how they classified a certain kind of music. Lots of bands now are currently trying to dis-associte themselves from the term "emo" from their band. How much can you write about emo stuffs anyway??