my headphones finally gave way.and it sucks not to listen to alt/metal/hardcore for a few hours.damn impossible lor to listen on one side. anyone knows why this happens? can intro good headphones/earbuds? i like stuff bassy.
*has to use crappy Sennheiser earbuds that have migh mids and treble.not enough bass*
You sure it the phones gave way?
or one of your ear gave way?
i have been using B&O A8 for a year now..not bad leh..
Originally posted by Troy437:You sure it the phones gave way?
or one of your ear gave way?
pls lor.. the headphones.if my left ear gave way,sure can feel mah.
Originally posted by Master -_-:i have been using B&O U70 for a year now..not bad leh..
what kind is it?headphones?earbuds? and how much?
Originally posted by JJxJJ:pls lor.. the headphones.if my left ear gave way,sure can feel mah.
I know SONY earphones can handle strong bass.
wrong's on GSS, around $210..
at home, i dig the sennheiser HD270. great clarity, but the `inner sponge' broke recently, so lose some of the `bass'....i will recommend(or its replacement since this is quite an old model already) this if you want something <$200. nice and bulky, attention grabbing.
when i travel, i bought the creative aurvana's earbud noise canceling earphone recently....this one i regret. $150 flushed out....but bo pien, still use, but on the plane only.
when i gym out, my trusty sony with the portruded earpiece bud to hold the headphones in place when i run is probably the best value. good base and probably <$50.