Originally posted by TIB 585L:1193C wasnt on 903 lately. It was on cameo on 963/960/187/969 lately. Just now was starting split on some service but i didnt catch it. 1195Y,1196U,1197S also back on 903 but unrefurb after brief MIA
TIB1195Y, 1196U & 1197S seems to have some bodywork repair and repainted... Some parts quite new... Maybe just a small overhaul...
Originally posted by TIB1234T:TIB1195Y, 1196U & 1197S seems to have some bodywork repair and repainted... Some parts quite new... Maybe just a small overhaul...
Yeah but it doesnt look refurbished at all due to brief MIA period
Well..... TIB1105H, that burnt down and got rebuilt Mercedes Benz O405G was never refurbished at all in my opinion - at least not the refurbishments that the bendy buses are undergoing now.
Definition of refurbish - To make clean, bright, or fresh again; renovate. TIB1105H's original bodywork was never "renovated" before it got destroyed.
Instead, the chassis was probably left with little damage and was economical to rebuild the entire bodywork with new parts over the surviving chassis - with SMRT era (when they were changing seat covers and refurbishing the other rigid buses) and updated TIBS interior colour specifications for the new interior instead. So it's new bodywork X updated specifications by SMRT Buses.
Info from BIS most reliable page on Singapore Buses~
Originally posted by SMB388S:Well..... TIB1105H, that burnt down and got rebuilt Mercedes Benz O405G was never refurbished at all in my opinion - at least not the refurbishments that the bendy buses are undergoing now.
Definition of refurbish - To make clean, bright, or fresh again; renovate. TIB1105H's original bodywork was never "renovated" before it got destroyed.
Instead, the chassis was probably left with little damage and was economical to rebuild the entire bodywork with new parts over the surviving chassis - with SMRT era (when they were changing seat covers and refurbishing the other rigid buses) and updated TIBS interior colour specifications for the new interior instead. So it's new bodywork X updated specifications by SMRT Buses.Info from BIS most reliable page on Singapore Buses~
o_o? Now then BIS know TIB1105H is not refurbished at all but only given new body-kit and interior-makeup? Pathetic sia. I already received info from friend around 1 - 2 months ago, and your dear boss only say now. Proves that BIS is most lousy page in Singapore Buses.
Sorry to burst the bubble, but TIB1193C isn't refurbish...
Originally posted by TIB1234T:Sorry to burst the bubble, but TIB1193C isn't refurbish...
Really? From the exterior it looks like it though everytime i see it on 903
Originally posted by TIB 585L:Really? From the exterior it looks like it though everytime i see it on 903
Today saw the interior still green colour...
You guys sure TIB1185B refurbished?
I have some friends saying that that bus is still not refurbed
Btw, TIB1037X and TIB1065P in Liannex.
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:You guys sure TIB1185B refurbished?
I have some friends saying that that bus is still not refurbed
Btw, TIB1037X and TIB1065P in Liannex.
1185B not refurbished.
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:You guys sure TIB1185B refurbished?
I have some friends saying that that bus is still not refurbed
Btw, TIB1037X and TIB1065P in Liannex.
As what TIB770T said, TIB1185B isn;t refurb yet, the exterior is still in dirty and torn stickered livery... If refurbished, it should be like TIB1180P, super shiny and clear livery...
Originally posted by TIB1234T:As what TIB770T said, TIB1185B isn;t refurb yet, the exterior is still in dirty and torn stickered livery... If refurbished, it should be like TIB1180P, super shiny and clear livery...
Thanks to both for comfirmation, dk which guy go anyhow whack and edit TIB1185 is refurbed....
TIB1037X refurbed. TIB1042E in Liannex.
Suspected: TIB1179U, TIB1183G and TIB1185B undergoing refurbishment.
Originally posted by 23ispolo:Suspected: TIB1179U, TIB1183G and TIB1185B undergoing refurbishment.
1185B nope. Saw it yesterday and almost everyday on 912. 1183G last spotted on 900 on Friday. 1179U missing
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:TIB1037X refurbed. TIB1042E in Liannex.
That day saw 1042E with white rear.
1065P is back refurbed, on 300 as usual this morning.
TIB828L (KJDEP 188/188E) - half refurbished, as floor is OC and the interior rego plate has been taken off. Looks very weird and actually unique somehow in one way...
Originally posted by SMB 133K <3:That day saw 1042E with white rear.
1065P is back refurbed, on 300 as usual this morning.
Whoa, that Bus refurbished? I'll add it soon.
Buses I see on 300 (refurbed) "I see, not all the buses".
Walao this svc got 4 refurbs in svc (full day, Half day for 1030P and 1204E)
TIB1197S refurbished, 3 weeks to refurb!
1179U and 1183G should be next in the list. Both are missing
TIB1050G (as well as TIB1072T [suspected]) is/are in Liannex for refurbishment.
Waste time refurb those bendies,Concentrate those MAN A22s/A24,MB OC500LEs/Citaros and just buy another reliable brand suchs as Volvo or Scania LEs better
1208U has a new restickered livery, is the bus refurbished?
Originally posted by SBS1929R:1208U has a new restickered livery, is the bus refurbished?
Resticker not new, but if whole body spraypainted means refurb...
1050G has been refurbished, 1054X currently in Liannex Body all become somewhat white or yellowish paint color.
1090R (WLDEP 960) also refurbished.