the poster containing route details of all 12 bus services can be found at SBST website under Joo Koon Bus Interchange tab
I guess this has something to do with Tuas West MRT Extension. 193 is nearer to the Tuas West MRT stations than 192. That's probably why they decide to let 193 take the longer route, while let 192 take the shorter route to Pioneer MRT Station and directly to Boon Lay Bus Interchange.Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:193 has almost taken 192 route now... wonder why they changed this... 192 could have continued in its current route, and only change could have been made to 193.
I am wondering when will the flyers for the Joo Koon Bus Interchange be out.
Originally posted by jurongresident:
I guess this has something to do with Tuas West MRT Extension. 193 is nearer to the Tuas West MRT stations than 192. That's probably why they decide to let 193 take the longer route, while let 192 take the shorter route to Pioneer MRT Station and directly to Boon Lay Bus Interchange.
There's still no need because 192's current route already connects to Gul Circle MRT along Tuas Rd (note that it's not in Gul). So most people would have already alighted at Gul Circle MRT, and some will alight outside Joo Koon Int. I doubt 10% of the pax will go all the way to Boon Lay.
My house bus stop have the poster already. But instead of an individual poster about 258, they put that one where 258 and 99 are together, that one that is shared here and on the social media pages.
Boon Lay Bus Interchange has banners saying something like "Joo Koon Bus Interchange opens on 21 November 2015". There are some panels next to information kiosks, showing the posters about Joo Koon Bus Interchange opening.
So 256 starts at Boon Lay and loops at Joo Koon... WTF!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by array88:So 256 starts at Boon Lay and loops at Joo Koon... WTF!!!!!!!!
I guess the two services should be looping and not terminating since their routes are relatively shorter than trunk services...
Originally posted by array88:So 256 starts at Boon Lay and loops at Joo Koon... WTF!!!!!!!!
yup apparently it loops
while 258 loops at boon lay
I am surprised that 258 loops at Boon Lay, when there would be empty parking lots at Boon Lay Bus Interchange, after Joo Koon Bus Interchange opens.
Anyway, as long as I can rely on this 258 for bus connection to Pioneer MRT Station and Boon Lay Bus Interchange, I do not care whether it loops or terminate.
It's interesting to know that the first bus leaves Boon Lay Bus Interchange at 5:30am, and the last bus leaves Boon Lay Bus Interchange at 12:10am. Meanwhile, at Joo Koon Bus Interchange, first bus leaves at 6:00am, and the last bus leaves at 11:45pm.
Based on the operating hours, it can be deduced that the first bus goes from Soon Lee Bus Depot to Boon Lay Bus Interchange, while the last bus goes from Joo Koon Bus Interchange to Soon Lee Bus Depot. Buses are probably introduced at Boon Lay Bus Interchange, via Boon Lay Way.
Anyway, the first bus at Joo Koon may be the first bus at Boon Lay. If so, it means one trip is around twenty minutes, with ten minutes rest.
Whereas for the last bus, it leaves Joo Koon at 11:45pm, enters Boon Lay at 12:10am (25 mins later), and would probably arrive Joo Koon again (25 mins later) at 12:35am.
I suggest amending 256 to ply Jurong West Avenue 4 instead of Jurong West Street 62. The latter already has 257 and 243W to cater to the residents, so how about replacing 192 with 256 which may be a more reliable service along Avenue 4?
It's interesting to note that 251 has been re-routed to ply Pioneer Road North, Upper Jurong Road and Jurong West Street 64. I think this is to eliminate route duplication with 246, 252 and 194 at Jalan Boon Lay.
Currently, 251 calls at the end-on berths. With this change in route, there is a possibility that it may be transferred over to the other side of Boon Lay Bus Interchange and call at the saw-tooth berths.
Anyway, 182/182M, 254, 255 and 257 will be shortened to Joo Koon Bus Interchange. Coincidentally, all four call at the sawtooth berths in Boon Lay Bus Interchange. When 182/182M, 254, 255 and 257 are shortened to Joo Koon, there will be four vacated sawtooth boarding rows at Boon Lay. #duh
If 251 takes one vacated sawtooth boarding row, there will be three left. #youdontsay
258 and 256 are also coming over to the sawtooth section of Boon Lay Bus Interchange.
Assuming there is no change to the boarding berths allocation, 251, 256 and 258 will take up the rows currently occupied by 182/182M, 254, 255 and 257; B3, B4, B5, B6. But B6 already has three other services, so maybe not B6.
B3 has 243G and 179. B4 has 199 and 243W. B5 has 178, 187 and 194 (at yellow row).
If they allow jump-queue (to whichever bus that arrives first), I suggest putting 256 and 243W together, and 258 and 243G together. Meanwhile, 251 and 194 may make a good pair. :)
Whereas for the vacated end-on berth currently occupied by 251, it seems that 194 is coming over to take over it.
I still don't understand the rationale on the amendment of 192 and 193. Actually they can leave 192 untouched while amending 193 to ply Jurong West St 63 instead.
I also don't understand why 256 is make to terminate at Boon Lay Int and loop at Joo Koon Int instead of other way round? Since part of the reasons for Joo Koon Int is to lessen the load of Boon Lay Int?
Also I believe that the link between Joo Koon Int and Pioneer MRT for 258 is to compliment 192 along Upp Jurong Road as currently it is also served by 2 services - 182/M and 193.
Also, think there should also be a 193M from Boon Lay to Pioneer MRT to replace the loss of 192 along Jurong West Ave 4 and also link the residents there to Pioneer MRT.
For sure 251 will move to sawtooth berth as the end on berth does not allow left turn from the interchange if I am not wrong and it seems 194 will move to end on berth instead as the sector along Jurong West St 64 for 194 is deleted.
Originally posted by Skyrev:I suggest amending 256 to ply Jurong West Avenue 4 instead of Jurong West Street 62. The latter already has 257 and 243W to cater to the residents, so how about replacing 192 with 256 which may be a more reliable service along Avenue 4?
257 will no more plying Jurong West St 62 and 256 is actually the breakup of current 257.
But then I do agree that there should be a replacement for 192 along Jurong West Ave 4 as some might find 242 taking a longer distance by plying Jln Boon Lay instead of Jurong West St 64 to/from Boon Lay int.
Originally posted by Skyrev:I suggest amending 256 to ply Jurong West Avenue 4 instead of Jurong West Street 62. The latter already has 257 and 243W to cater to the residents, so how about replacing 192 with 256 which may be a more reliable service along Avenue 4?
When Joo Koon Bus Interchange opens, 254, 255 and 257 will nolonger call at Street 63 and Street 62 respectively. To compensate, 192 is re-routed to Street 63 and 256 is introduced to Street 62.
Actually, at Avenue 4, there is still 193. There is 258 within walking distance (at Street 71/61 and Street 75/64) from the three bus stops that 192 currently calls.
There are feeder bus services 243W/243G and 242 at Jurong West Avenue 4. I know 242 takes the longer way la.... But also not that long (journey to/fro interchange and your house bus stop is within ten minutes), right?
Anyway, as mentioned earlier, there's 258 within walking distance from the three bus stops at Avenue 4 currently called by 192. 258 also goes to Pioneer MRT Station yeah. :)
Ai-Ya, why not you see how first then say? Maybe you will love it leh? ;)
Originally posted by SBS7123J:257 will no more plying Jurong West St 62 and 256 is actually the breakup of current 257.
But then I do agree that there should be a replacement for 192 along Jurong West Ave 4 as some might find 242 taking a longer distance by plying Jln Boon Lay instead of Jurong West St 64 to/from Boon Lay int.
Actually, now that there is this 258 duplicating 243 at Jurong West Street 64, 75, 82 and 81, we can change the routes of 242 and 243.
242 and 243G/243W can swop routes at Street 64/Jalan Boon Lay, whereby
242 ply Street 64.
243G/243W ply Avenue 4, Jalan Boon Lay and Jurong West Central.
Originally posted by jurongresident:
Actually, now that there is this 258 duplicating 243 at Jurong West Street 64, 75, 82 and 81, we can change the routes of 242 and 243.
242 and 243G/243W can swop routes at Street 64/Jalan Boon Lay, whereby
242 ply Street 64.
243G/243W ply Avenue 4, Jalan Boon Lay and Jurong West Central.
So that 242 is less winding to Boon Lay and 243G/W links St 75/82/81 to Jln Boon Lay, with more intra-town connections? 243G/W should be ok but not sure if really needed, lost links for 242 mostly covered by 99, though not all. Best to leave such "fine-tuning" till later, after the dust settles. Even with the phased implementation of route changes, I think many ppl would be confused.
Originally posted by 201911:So that 242 is less winding to Boon Lay and 243G/W links St 75/82/81 to Jln Boon Lay, with more intra-town connections? 243G/W should be ok but not sure if really needed, lost links for 242 mostly covered by 99, though not all. Best to leave such "fine-tuning" till later, after the dust settles. Even with the phased implementation of route changes, I think many ppl would be confused.
Well, the enhanced intra-town connections can be the secondary benefit of this possible route swap between 242 and 243, while the primary benefit is for people at N7 to have a feeder service which takes them directly to Boon Lay Bus Interchange.
I actually wanted to suggest a swap with 193, but I cannot forget that there are people at Jalan Boon Lay who needs feeder bus connection. That's why I suggested a swap with 243 instead.
I agree that there will be some confusion when the route changes are implemented for Joo Koon Bus Interchange opening. For instance, I have to accept that there would be this 258 at my house bus stop, when all these while there is only 243.
Hence, I agree that we should first let every travel pattern and loading level settle after we introduce changes for Joo Koon Bus Interchange opening, before we implement any other route change in Pioneer, Joo Koon and Tuas.
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:Most people working in Joo Koon, live around Jurong West / East town for convenience to work place. Hence, route planners have tried to give as much direct connectivity to Joo Koon from these towns as possible.
From east to west:
st 63: 192
st 64: 193, 256, 258
st 61 / 71 / 81 / 82: 258
ave 4: 99 (1st stop), 193 (next 3 stops)
ave 5: No service (1st 2 stops), 99 (next 2 stops)
st 91, 93: 99
Jurong East Town: 99
This way route planners have almost covered all of Jurong West Town... except for few bus stops. So I think bus usage will increase between Boon Lay and Joo Koon due to point to point connection, and MRT use will take a hit between Boon Lay and Joo Koon MRT.
At same time MRT will benefit with more people taking MRT from Joo Koon than Boon Lay. It will see some easing of crowd at Boon Lay interchange as well.
I think the proportion of people working in Tuas who live in Jurong West may not be that great, as there are many pax who transfer to MRT at Boon Lay to other parts of Sg. Still, the extensive bus connections between Jurong West and Joo Koon are needed for JW residents to x-fer other JIS (and probably to Fairprice Hub for shopping), but not sure how much demand there really is.
99 and 258 serve this purpose, although as mentioned by others, 258's demand is likely to be greater between Boon Lay & Pioneer. I don't think many pax would take 99 all the way from Jurong East/West Ave 1 to Joo Koon though, as 99's route is quite winding.
As for the other amendments, it seems LTA has tried to maintain the lost links as far as possible, including a surprise decision to extend 194, which actually makes sense. (251 covering 254's sector along Boon Lay Way, 194 covering 251's sector along Jln Ahmad Ibrahim)
193 amended to serve Joo Koon, skipping Upp Jurong Rd/PIE, means 1 less bus svc to Pasir Laba Camp. Just hope 182/M can be better managed w less bunching and higher freq, with the route shortened.
As for amending 192 to JW St 63, I think it's to give residents there a more direct link to Joo Koon via Upp Jurong Rd. Using 193 to cover that sector instead would mean a longer route via Pioneer Rd Nth/ Lok Yang Way.
Originally posted by 201911:I think the proportion of people working in Tuas who live in Jurong West may not be that great, as there are many pax who transfer to MRT at Boon Lay to other parts of Sg. Still, the extensive bus connections between Jurong West and Joo Koon are needed for JW residents to x-fer other JIS (and probably to Fairprice Hub for shopping), but not sure how much demand there really is.
99 and 258 serve this purpose, although as mentioned by others, 258's demand is likely to be greater between Boon Lay & Pioneer. I don't think many pax would take 99 all the way from Jurong East/West Ave 1 to Joo Koon though, as 99's route is quite winding.
As for the other amendments, it seems LTA has tried to maintain the lost links as far as possible, including a surprise decision to extend 194, which actually makes sense. (251 covering 254's sector along Boon Lay Way, 194 covering 251's sector along Jln Ahmad Ibrahim)
193 amended to serve Joo Koon, skipping Upp Jurong Rd/PIE, means 1 less bus svc to Pasir Laba Camp. Just hope 182/M can be better managed w less bunching and higher freq, with the route shortened.
As for amending 192 to JW St 63, I think it's to give residents there a more direct link to Joo Koon via Upp Jurong Rd. Using 193 to cover that sector instead would mean a longer route via Pioneer Rd Nth/ Lok Yang Way.
Maybe those at Pasir Laba will start walking to Joo Koon...
Originally posted by jurongresident:I am surprised that 258 loops at Boon Lay, when there would be empty parking lots at Boon Lay Bus Interchange, after Joo Koon Bus Interchange opens.
Anyway, as long as I can rely on this 258 for bus connection to Pioneer MRT Station and Boon Lay Bus Interchange, I do not care whether it loops or terminate.
It's interesting to know that the first bus leaves Boon Lay Bus Interchange at 5:30am, and the last bus leaves Boon Lay Bus Interchange at 12:10am. Meanwhile, at Joo Koon Bus Interchange, first bus leaves at 6:00am, and the last bus leaves at 11:45pm.
Based on the operating hours, it can be deduced that the first bus goes from Soon Lee Bus Depot to Boon Lay Bus Interchange, while the last bus goes from Joo Koon Bus Interchange to Soon Lee Bus Depot. Buses are probably introduced at Boon Lay Bus Interchange, via Boon Lay Way.
Anyway, the first bus at Joo Koon may be the first bus at Boon Lay. If so, it means one trip is around twenty minutes, with ten minutes rest.
Whereas for the last bus, it leaves Joo Koon at 11:45pm, enters Boon Lay at 12:10am (25 mins later), and would probably arrive Joo Koon again (25 mins later) at 12:35am.
I actually would find it boring if both services that plied both bus interchanges worked in the same way (i.e. starting from Boon Lay and looping at Joo Koon)...I am glad that both works differently.
Originally posted by Gus.chong:I actually would find it boring if both services that plied both bus interchanges worked in the same way (i.e. starting from Boon Lay and looping at Joo Koon)...I am glad that both works differently.
But frankly speaking, it would be the most beneficial if both 256 and 258 started at Joo Koon and looped at Boon Lay, since one purpose of Joo Koon Int is to save parking spaces at Boon Lay. After all, Joo Koon is not the one in dire need of spaces; Boon Lay is.
Originally posted by jurongresident:It's interesting to note that 251 has been re-routed to ply Pioneer Road North, Upper Jurong Road and Jurong West Street 64. I think this is to eliminate route duplication with 246, 252 and 194 at Jalan Boon Lay.
Whereas for the vacated end-on berth currently occupied by 251, it seems that 194 is coming over to take over it.
Now that it reminds me when I noticed 194's operating hours have also been extended, will there be 1-2 single-decks added to its fleet?
Originally posted by 201911:193 amended to serve Joo Koon, skipping Upp Jurong Rd/PIE, means 1 less bus svc to Pasir Laba Camp. Just hope 182/M can be better managed w less bunching and higher freq, with the route shortened.
Although the route appears to be shortened (for 182/M), but it use to ply express sector along Tuas West Dr...with the shortening, 182/M will also call at all bus stops along PIE and Tuas West Dr...the question is, do those bus stops usually serve many people boarding 193?
Originally posted by jurongresident:It's interesting to note that 251 has been re-routed to ply Pioneer Road North, Upper Jurong Road and Jurong West Street 64. I think this is to eliminate route duplication with 246, 252 and 194 at Jalan Boon Lay.
Currently, 251 calls at the end-on berths. With this change in route, there is a possibility that it may be transferred over to the other side of Boon Lay Bus Interchange and call at the saw-tooth berths.
Anyway, 182/182M, 254, 255 and 257 will be shortened to Joo Koon Bus Interchange. Coincidentally, all four call at the sawtooth berths in Boon Lay Bus Interchange. When 182/182M, 254, 255 and 257 are shortened to Joo Koon, there will be four vacated sawtooth boarding rows at Boon Lay. #duh
If 251 takes one vacated sawtooth boarding row, there will be three left. #youdontsay
258 and 256 are also coming over to the sawtooth section of Boon Lay Bus Interchange.
Assuming there is no change to the boarding berths allocation, 251, 256 and 258 will take up the rows currently occupied by 182/182M, 254, 255 and 257; B3, B4, B5, B6. But B6 already has three other services, so maybe not B6.
B3 has 243G and 179. B4 has 199 and 243W. B5 has 178, 187 and 194 (at yellow row).
If they allow jump-queue (to whichever bus that arrives first), I suggest putting 256 and 243W together, and 258 and 243G together. Meanwhile, 251 and 194 may make a good pair. :)
Whereas for the vacated end-on berth currently occupied by 251, it seems that 194 is coming over to take over it.
194 and 251 can swap positions.