Originally posted by ButIAmAToilet:Apparently, just now, 4 left int with full bus earlier, I think got a few pax left behind. But I heard got some junction at Changi Prison there got problem with turning, hence no DD.
And it seems to be eating into 81's pax. Even the 39 I took left with more pax than 81.
yes that is obvious... coz no one wants to walk to the other side to take 81... and 39 is very long to ave 7... sv 4 is the best option... and after 7pm... u will see even more crowded sv 4 as both sv 19 and 37 don't operate.
Before sv 4 was introduced, ppl had no choice but walk to other side to take sv 81 once sv 19 and 37 operating hours over.
Where is the turning issue... i see enough space to turn from TNM Besar onto Changi Prison. I think give it a few months and we will see DDs on sv 4.. or is there an issue with Flora... not sure about that.
812 really need 2 BSEP A22s split shift to complement its loadings..
Originally posted by carbikebus:812 really need 2 BSEP A22s split shift to complement its loadings..
Agree... actually should get 2 fleet add, both bendies, from SMRT side... A22s cannot take the load.
For now the possible way is A22s,812 got 2 crossovers for both peak hours..
SMRT can reduce the no of bendies for feeders but need more crossovers during peaks
How is the loading like for Svc 20 between Simei and Tampines sections? Is it viable if its route gets extended via 69's route (Ave 1,8,5)
how's Sv 40's loading?
20 imho only need 3-4 DDs during peak hours thats all,Off peak and Sunday Citaro can manage it well..As for 40 its single decker loadings,no need DDs..Worse to worse add a split bus.
Originally posted by ButIAmAToilet:How is the loading like for Svc 20 between Simei and Tampines sections? Is it viable if its route gets extended via 69's route (Ave 1,8,5)
sv 20 loading between Tampines and Simei wavers around 30-50 pax. It is in Simei town that you see loading picking up for CBP. I think lot of ppl working at CBP have chosen to live in Simei as a town closeby. At Simei MRT, many times pax cannot enter bus between 08.10-08.30am. Bus totally packed. I have been saying CGBP needs to give 4 DDs to sv 20 and 6 SDs. Or at least have downroutes from Simei MRT in AM peak.
Originally posted by SBS5010P:how's Sv 40's loading?
As cbb bro said... no need for DDs... but sv 40 got healthy loading. It does have peak hour loading that goes upto 65 pax but mostly has around 45-50 pax on board.
Loading on sv 143M (full route) DD @ 07.40am, 7 mins after 143 DD
Jurong East Interchange -- 38
Jurong Gateway Rd -- 43 (0/5)
Jurong East Central -- 47 (0/4)
Jurong Town Hall Rd -- 50 (0/3), 50 (0/0), 49 (-3/2), 49 (-2/2)
Teban Gardens -- 35 (-19/5), 32 (-5/2), 20 (-14/2)
West Coast Highway -- 17 (-3/0), 12 (-5/0), 9 (-5/2)* new stop introduced later
Pandan Gardens -- 17 (-7/15), 17 (0/0)
Jurong Townhall Rd -- 17 (0/0)
West Coast Highway -- 21 (0/4), 26 (0/5)
Teban Gardens -- 61 (-6/41), 81 (-1/21), 103 (-3/25)
Jurong Townhall Rd -- 100 (-3/0)* I alighted here
* When I alighted, there was a sv 79 DD and sv 143DD right behind. sv 79 DD might have 30-40 pax (rough estimate) and sv 143 DD seemed to have less than 20 pax on board.
* If you evaluate my journey on 143M on its own, loading was super high that even Citaro could not have accommodated, but if you take into account with 143 and 79, then the other 2 services loading was hit with 143M ahead of it. If 143M was behind 143, it would have gone empty back to interchange
* Considering 143 is trunk and could get delayed, the only advantage I see with 143M is more timely arrival at Teban Gardens compared to trunk services. Also, post 7pm once sv 79 frequency becomes poor, 143M could be useful again
* Tried to spot 201, but was not able to see it.
All, sbs 116 9.39pm 11 dec 2014. 35 people boarded at Hougang int. Bus plate no is sbs 6324C. Cheers.
201 loadings still poor imho,Dont mention bout DDs,Even 2 Citaros i spotted only have about 25 pax the most during peak
Originally posted by carbikebus:201 loadings still poor imho,Dont mention bout DDs,Even 2 Citaros i spotted only have about 25 pax the most during peak
It is a new service. not even one month old. We need to give it another 3 months to judge how good it is. If we are so patient with 116 and after 2+ years, happy with it having 20-25 pax loading most times (sometimes 35-40 pax), we should be happy with 25 pax on 201 in the first month.
Guaranteed loading will pick up coz route is quite unique. Only ppl will take some time to change their current traveling pattern.
201 needs another 1-2 buses. 7 buses quite less for its route. Frequency is a problem.
For a new svc with DDs there is no need to adjust the freq,Unless its a cashcow routes like 972...You add another bus then you will see more empty running buses..Freq adjustment also depend on off peak loading patterns too
Jurong East/West Loading survey
sv 334 @ 17.10 hours from JE Interchange
JE Interchange -- 66 * queue empty (sv 41 queue had only 1 pax waiting)
JE Central -- 84 (0/18)
Boon Lay Way -- 90 (0/6), 88 (-6/4)
Jurong Townhall Road -- 86 (-4/2)
Jurong East Ave 1 -- 82 (-7/3), 78 (-6/2), 72 (-10/4)
Jurong West Ave 1 -- 66 (-8/2), 59 (-9/2), 48 (-13/2) * I alighted here to take sv 98
** Loading on sv 334 still remains super high, even though the time I took it was at 5pm (not even pm peak)
** That's why I feel sv 334 needs to be full fleet DD with BSEP add and 5001R converted to DD slot as well.
I took sv 98 to Corporation and went to the opposite stop to take sv 49
When I boarded bus and counted pax on DD bus, total # pax = 40
Corporation Rd -- 40 pax
Lakeside MRT -- 62 (-20/42) *42 pax boarded sv 49 at MRT (would have taken 334 instead??)
Jurong West st 51 -- 61 (-3/2), 51 (-14/4) * 14pax who would have taken sv 98/187 instead
Jurong West Ave 1 -- 48 (-6/3) * coincidentally, both 334 and 49 had 48 pax on bus when I alighted
** So basically 48 pax were on bus when it turned onto st 42.
Loading on sv 325 @ 07.25am from HG Interchange
HG Interchange -- 05
Upper Serangoon Rd -- 08 (0/3)
HG Ave 2 -- 05 (-6/3)
HG Ave 10 -- 08 (0/3), 09 (-1/2), 24 (-3/18) *HG MRT, 26 (-1/3)
HG Ave 8 -- 27 (-2/3), 25 (-4/2)
HG St 51 -- 22 (-5/2), 20 (-4/2)
Buangkok Green -- 12 (-10/2) *IMH, 14 (0/2), 12 (-6/4)
YCK Road -- 08 (-8/4)
HG Ave 9 -- 10 (0/2)
HG St 91 -- 12 (0/2)
HG St 93 -- 15 (0/3)
Buangkok Green -- 16 (-1/2), 17 (-2/3) * IMH
HG St 51 -- 32 (-2/17), 51 (-1/20) * spotted Citaro on 101 packed to door **
HG Ave 8 -- 50 (-4/3), 51 (-2/3)
HG Ave 10 -- 48 (-6/3), 16 (-36, 4) * as expected most pax alighted at HG MRT w/ very few on board going to the redundant loop of 325, 16 (0/0), 13 (-3/0)
HG Ave 2 -- 11 (-6/4)
Upper Serangoon Rd -- 11 (-3/3), 7 (-4/0)
* bus entered interchange with 7 pax on board. Most pax alight at HG MRT. HG st 51 is the peak loading area for sv 325. The sector between Buangkok Green and HG 1 loop and that from HG MRT back to interchange loop fetches very low number of pax as observed many times before.
* More than sv 325, sv 101 is in need for BSEP. And hope LTA gives it a WEG.
Took Svc 518 from Dhoby Ghaut home earlier. By the time the bus comes, it is nearly full. Driver stop taking in pax before it even enter Suntec area. If no one alights at Bayfront, it will probably not stop there at all. However, the issue is that compared to other services from city area to town area, 518, even though it is an express service, has really bad frequency at PM off-peak. Miss a 190? Another will probably arrive within 10 mins. Miss a 518? Prepare to wait until 20 mins. (Yes, I waited that long for 518, imagine those people who wait so long, but still cannot board it because it is full). My suggestion is to either give them crossover DDs from industrial services, or boost the frequency to at least 12-15 mins
Anyway, I also notice some interesting stuff while waiting.
Pax seems to like taking 972 from Plaza Sing stop. I do not know why currently.
Frankly speaking, I have no idea why many says that 38 have low loadings at night. Yes, it may duplicates many serices, but it is technically a feeder, and have decent loadings during PM off peak.
Originally posted by ButIAmAToilet:Took Svc 518 from Dhoby Ghaut home earlier. By the time the bus comes, it is nearly full. Driver stop taking in pax before it even enter Suntec area. If no one alights at Bayfront, it will probably not stop there at all. However, the issue is that compared to other services from city area to town area, 518, even though it is an express service, has really bad frequency at PM off-peak. Miss a 190? Another will probably arrive within 10 mins. Miss a 518? Prepare to wait until 20 mins. (Yes, I waited that long for 518, imagine those people who wait so long, but still cannot board it because it is full). My suggestion is to either give them crossover DDs from industrial services, or boost the frequency to at least 12-15 mins
Anyway, I also notice some interesting stuff while waiting.
Pax seems to like taking 972 from Plaza Sing stop. I do not know why currently.
Frankly speaking, I have no idea why many says that 38 have low loadings at night. Yes, it may duplicates many serices, but it is technically a feeder, and have decent loadings during PM off peak.
I absolutely agree with you that BNDEP/LTA should give WEG add to sv 518. It needs fleet add desperately and WEG would be perfect. We need to encourage more ppl to take 518 parallel to MRT and will be possible only when high capacity buses are deployed.
On sv 38, loadings depend very much on other services. Its loading is okay (wouldn't say poor). sv 38 largely depends on sv 8/18 until Tampines CC, sv 20 until Expo, sv 12 until Bedok Road South and sv 229 until Bedok Interchange.
On sv 972, yes I have the same observation and it makes sense. Instead of crossing over and going to 972 stop at Penang road side, you can take it from Plaza Singapore and its matter of just 2 stops, but you can also choose the seat u want (:
518 really need convert 2 SD to 2 DDs..
513 also need to convert full day svc at 10-20 mins freq
All, I saw 5 buses together at the same time at the TPE stop towards changi direction at 8.29am on 23-12-2014. Hey, it is getting a bit common. Cheers.
980 peak hours damm jialat,14-20 mins then come full load bus,Should add 2 more full day BSEP A22s
Originally posted by carbikebus:980 peak hours damm jialat,14-20 mins then come full load bus,Should add 2 more full day BSEP A22s
Agree. Can add 2 BSEP Enviros. Will be awesome.
Lorong 1 no plans to cut those low hanging branches la bro...If got 2 E500s its a bonus..985 also can get a few