Originally posted by carbikebus:860 will be extended to TPY and one very popular svc will cut short to AMK from EAstern side..
Originally posted by Sbs6750E:
Sv 88 will shorten to AMK and 860 extend via sv 88 route.
Hi mr sbs6750E, looks good. Cheers. Thanks.
Originally posted by carbikebus:860 will be extended to TPY and one very popular svc will cut short to AMK from EAstern side..
Hi mr carbikebus, when start? Cheers. Thanks.
Originally posted by dupdup77:Hi mr carbikebus, when start? Cheers. Thanks.
Hi mr dupdup77,dunno.Cheers.Thanks.
Originally posted by carbikebus:860 will be extended to TPY and one very popular svc will cut short to AMK from EAstern side..
See-rai-yious for 860?? This sounds like a fantasy bus league proposal.
How are 860 and 88 related to DTL2 rationalisation?
Originally posted by autumncs:How are 860 and 88 related to DTL2 rationalisation?
Exactly my point.
The other change is 135 cut short to Sims Place, not going Marine Parade/Siglap anymore from sometime in 2017. Again not related to DTL rationalization.
Just seems there will be an overall remapping/rationalization of bus services.
Originally posted by dupdup77:Hi mr sbs6750E, looks good. Cheers. Thanks.
look good for sv88 to cut short to AMK?
Originally posted by lemon1974:look good for sv88 to cut short to AMK?
It is a BAD move to change two high loading successful services. Rather do something to the super winding and low loading services.
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:It is a BAD move to change two high loading successful services. Rather do something to the super winding and low loading services.
but someone say it look good to extend 860 and cut off 88..
Originally posted by lemon1974:but someone say it look good to extend 860 and cut off 88..
you mean dupdup
still got one more space at B1 though
Originally posted by TIB 585L:I was referring to the parking space not the berth.
Def no parking space, but where CCK got?
Yet got new service 308 + massive fleet add to 300, 302, 307, 983
well they can always do something about it. either they park the buses at one side or merge with another service, cos everything is possible
All these plannings make my head spin around sial,Instead of shortening svc like 14,51,61 they got plan to cut short 88...Seriously i dont find any logic at all.So if 88 cut short to AMK,The route become PSR-AMK and give to GA in exchange for svc 68?
Originally posted by carbikebus:All these plannings make my head spin around sial,Instead of shortening svc like 14,51,61 they got plan to cut short 88...Seriously i dont find any logic at all.So if 88 cut short to AMK,The route become PSR-AMK and give to GA in exchange for svc 68?
Thats what you get for having kids with PSLE scores greater than 250 doing planning at LTA
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:you mean dupdup
Originally posted by SMB1368T:well they can always do something about it. either they park the buses at one side or merge with another service, cos everything is possible
You can try apply for a part time BC with SMRT and experience how bad it is during peak hours to enter/exit and find parking at Int with so many bus svc..All near miss incidents.
Originally posted by AntiDennisLance:Thats what you get for having kids with PSLE scores greater than 250 doing planning at LTA
Becareful of your words brother...Here got SBST,SMRT,Go Ahead,Tower Transit and LTA people..
Originally posted by AntiDennisLance:Thats what you get for having kids with PSLE scores greater than 250 doing planning at LTA
Originally posted by carbikebus:Becareful of your words brother...Here got SBST,SMRT,Go Ahead,Tower Transit and LTA people..
You advice has been noted bro, but It's okay for me de :) Coz I do not work in SBST/SMRT/GAG/TT/LTA and I have no relatives working in any of such places. I am obviously critical of LTA (not just regarding public transport) and SMRT and I remain so. And yes I am a voter.
Originally posted by AntiDennisLance:You advice has been noted bro, but It's okay for me de :) Coz I do not work in SBST/SMRT/GAG/TT/LTA and I have no relatives working in any of such places. I am obviously critical of LTA (not just regarding public transport) and SMRT and I remain so. And yes I am a voter.
Well its up to you