Thanks for cfmation.. How about 301 if you know, split still ONP CCKI?Originally posted by TIB967T:300AP still ONP, only 300 S shift to Bulim.
1131G with Bulim Depot EDS @ Tampines
Originally posted by carbikebus:1131G with Bulim Depot EDS @ Tampines
Kinda expected. The space for the transferred DD's has to come from somewhere.
Originally posted by SMB3163D:Thanks for cfmation.. How about 301 if you know, split still ONP CCKI?
Not sure about that sorry, will try to check it out if possible.
Originally posted by carbikebus:1131G with Bulim Depot EDS @ Tampines
This morning on 67, will KIV again.
KJ SP > KJ 700
KJ 188 > KJ 67
KJ 67 > KJ 190
KJ 176 > KJ 190
KJ 188 > KJ 700
SMB5051E **TBC
KJ 190 > KJ SP (not meant for 190 in the first place)
SMB5056S **TBC
KJ 700 > KJ 190
KJ SP > KJ 190
SMB5085H **TBC
KJ190 > BU61
I don't know why KJDEP keep on transfer DDs to AMDEP/LYBP..Those 3 E500s 972 today at Loyang.5888H also.
Originally posted by carbikebus:I don't know why KJDEP keep on transfer DDs to AMDEP/LYBP..Those 3 E500s 972 today at Loyang.5888H also.
Good mah. I can have no complaints about that :P
In fact AMDEP side (SMRT) really need more DDs to cater for 854 etc.
Since KJDEP had always been taking in new DDs most of the time and lately the B9TLs, it is good that they move some DDs over to AMDEP so as to balance out the DDs between the 3 sides.
Somehow when 854 turned WAB a year back, I have not seen much enhancements in 854's fleet to boost up the WAB quota except for those 2-3 E500s. The number of old bendies still remained the same thruout. The recent new B2 MAN A95 intakes did not help that much too (probably because 969 needs them more). Ever since KJDEP moved some B1 MAN A95s over to AMDEP, these 2 days the WAB quota for 854 did boost quite alot.
3482Z also from AM HG
Bus on 161 today
Originally posted by SBS8676Z:In fact AMDEP side (SMRT) really need more DDs to cater for 854 etc.
Since KJDEP had always been taking in new DDs most of the time and lately the B9TLs, it is good that they move some DDs over to AMDEP so as to balance out the DDs between the 3 sides.
Somehow when 854 turned WAB a year back, I have not seen much enhancements in 854's fleet to boost up the WAB quota except for those 2-3 E500s. The number of old bendies still remained the same thruout. The recent new B2 MAN A95 intakes did not help that much too (probably because 969 needs them more). Ever since KJDEP moved some B1 MAN A95s over to AMDEP, these 2 days the WAB quota for 854 did boost quite alot.
The problem is Amdep/Lydep take full control of 969 because of BCM.So in order to enhanced 854 and 969,Other svc still in need of DDs.
I think we might be seeing the rest of the few a95s in kj/bu to be transferred to wdl in exchange for the 51xx b9tls..
SBS3023R is on 154 today. Should be HGDEP 154 instead of BNDEP SP as stated in sgwiki.
Originally posted by SBS7123J:SBS3023R is on 154 today. Should be HGDEP 154 instead of BNDEP SP as stated in sgwiki.
Should be,Hgdep and Bndep already transferred buses to GA and its time they received buses from other depots and LTA too.
Originally posted by SBS7123J:SBS3023R is on 154 today. Should be HGDEP 154 instead of BNDEP SP as stated in sgwiki.
Originally posted by carbikebus:I don't know why KJDEP keep on transfer DDs to AMDEP/LYBP..Those 3 E500s 972 today at Loyang.5888H also.
the E500s recently transferred ie 3572 3573 3574 are all from BU985, 985 had B9TLs to replace the E500s. I'm suspecting 3575z 3576x might have transferred too as there's recently at least 2-3 B9TLs on 972 each day.
Originally posted by TIB967T:the E500s recently transferred ie 3572 3573 3574 are all from BU985, 985 had B9TLs to replace the E500s. I'm suspecting 3575z 3576x might have transferred too as there's recently at least 2-3 B9TLs on 972 each day.
SMB3576X spotted on 972 on Sunday though...
Originally posted by SMB42P:SMB3576X spotted on 972 on Sunday though...
I might be wrong then.. just a guess anws
SBS8895H > BN48 (replaced by 8869J today)
Originally posted by TIB967T:I might be wrong then.. just a guess anws
HAHA! no lah..i mean FYI only.. nowadays buses also can suddenly change depot one like the A95s HAHA!
SG5180T >> SL SP (bus on 240 today)
Originally posted by SMB42P:SG5180T >> SL SP (bus on 240 today)
Look out for SG5182M too... Suspect it also returned to SLBP.
On a side note,
(KJDEP SP) > (KJDEP 176)
KIV for SMB3613Y, SMB3615S and SMB3616P, which have been doing 188 often but may be 176 perm. Only SMB3614U is confirmed so far.
Originally posted by 23ispolo:Look out for SG5182M too... Suspect it also returned to SLBP.
On a side note,
(KJDEP SP) > (KJDEP 176)KIV for SMB3613Y, SMB3615S and SMB3616P, which have been doing 188 often but may be 176 perm. Only SMB3614U is confirmed so far.
3614U confirmed. SHld be perm tgr w the rest. Only 3615 jumping for the past 2 days. Ytd 67 tdy 972
44J transferred to 980...