Was so angry tt i feel i need to air my anger.. so i post this up..
be alert for those who stay in tampines or often park their bikes in tampines area..
My bf often park his bike at the carpark behind the Tampines Mac at the interchange.. and recently his left mirror was kana break.. when we went back to the bike after abt 10mins, we saw the mirror was in pieces lying on the floor.. it might be a van or car accidently knocked against.. BUT... guess wat.. we saw almost the whole row of bike parkin in the parkin lot and on the phatom, their left mirrors were gone too...
ya.. the mirror doesnt cost alot.. less than $10 u can get it.. but its reali giving pple trouble lo.. and now he have to stock up the xtra mirrors at home.. so he can change it the next time he kana these sway things again..
haven finish lo... few days ago.. his leg rest aso got stolen... F lo!!! LEG REST aso wan... can u imagine u ride the bike wihout leg rest? reali lo.. tupid pple do tupid things.. nv use their brain n thk one..
and today... my bf found his bike being shifted.. and the fuel tap was turned off.. aiyo.. i reali scare they will cut one of the wire in his bike.. or do worst things. i juz cant understand y "these ppl" have to do this.. they got nth better to do izit...