Today, I witnessed an accident while I was taking my Class 2B Practical 8 at SSDC, Yio Chu Kang .
As part of the road test route, we riders are required to do a U - Turn at a traffic light controlled junction around AMK ave 5 .
Though the light was green, there was oncoming traffic and a SSDC car had to wait at the U-turn section. We riders had to line up behind the SSDC car.
When the SSDC car inched forward, it made a wide turn and stopped halfway through the turn to give way to an oncoming car in the 3rd lane.
The 1st rider in the queue suddenly throttled forward and squeezed himself between the SSDC car and the kerb, intending to do the U- Turn before the Car could do so (in short, he was "cutting queue " ) .
As he opened the throttle further and zipped into the 2nd lane, a taxi suddenly appeared and slammed into his bike!
The driver probably didn't saw him(he was hidden from the cabbie's view, thanks to the SSDC car ) and couldn't brake in time.
The impact was rather bad, the driver's side window was completely smashed in, the front right headlight of the taxi was hanging loose and there was a nasty dent and some scratches on the taxi's door.
The bike was wrecked with 1 crash bar crumpled.
The instructors immediately told us to move to a side of the road as they brought the rider and the bike to the pavement.
After the road was cleared, 1 instructor led us back to the driving centre as a medic was sent for the injured rider who was still concious.
Later at the school, we found out that the crash bar had took the brunt for the rider... had there not be a crash bar, the rider's leg would had been crushed!
So riders, the next time u want to squeeze through traffic, do be extra careful.
Other road users might not be able to see us hidden among the vehicles!