Originally posted by edouard_g:
you'll notice the number of coe issued monthly for bikes up to recently has been slightly under 1000 units and this has been the case for quite a while. the number of bids is usually about 1000, # of bids=# of coe's hence the low price of coe.
the number of bike coe's has now been cut back to 500 odd, now # of bids > # of coe's, so price goes up.
now you could conclude the following:
The administrators of the bike COE were worried that their system was redundant in the face of perfect supply and demand conditions
the LTA are closing too many roads and turning them in public spaces, so less room; must have less bikes on the road.
1$ made administering the bike COE's too much like a public service.
Biking is dangerous and less bikes means less accidents.
Clearly, no one wants bikes, so they cut the bike COE numbers and convert them later to 30K car coe's to turn $500 into several milions.
The LTA has determined that is was in the best interest of traffic harmony to have less motorcycles on the road.
LTA knows that when your strive to reach something, you enjoy it that much more.
The LTA has its reasons, it does not publish them because it likes to read about itself in posts like this.
The guy who rolls the dices at the LTA could not remember his IC # when filling out his health declaration and was not allowed in the building.
perhaps you may add your own reasons I know which one I believe.
where did u get such a statement??
The LTA has determined that is was in the best interest of traffic harmony to have less motorcycles on the road.
Bike in my opinion is for pple tt needs own tpt but cannot afford a car...
one of the valid reasons