Originally posted by yohji:
Hi Jacobs.
I actually plan to take 2B only .. then after that take a class 3 .. I dont think I will go for 2A .. so .. I guess I will stick to 2B ..
BTW I like super 4 .. very nice .. if only they have something like that for class 2B ..
You can take class 2b and 3 concurrently but it will cost alot of $$$.
I told myself that if i pass my class 2b i will not take 2a because at that time i really feel that 2b is suffice enough as a mode of transport. 2a bikes are more stable and most ppl stop at 2a. Its a better investment too. But if you really want to stick to 2b...... something like super 4 would be cagiva planet as in sitting posture.
theres more but you have to find it yourself.........