Somewhere near Thomson Rd, there is a ancient tomb. THe person buried there is rumour to be Sir Stamford Raffles' mistress! Have anyone heard of this story? The topic was once covered in the TV programme "Hey! Singapore" Not sure whether is it true or not...
PaJeRoMiNi Ver 1.0
Yes I've heard of that one before.. To be more exact the tomb is near Whitley Rd.. Quite near Mount Pleasant rd too...
As for her being the mistress of Sir Stamford Raffles... I'm not too sure abt that....maybe anyone could advise?
recently the evening newspaper talk abt this issue. the tomb has already been exhumated and the remains transfered to an urn and placed in a chinese temple.....
Seem like up till today there still not enough evidence to solve the myth. Even the descendent does now have the actual proof that they are Raffles' descendent. Might be a myth forever.