The Dogon are a west African tribe.
Theri extraordinary religion centres on the belief that, thousands of years ago, amphibious extra-terrestrial beings called "Nommos" travelled from the Sirius star system, 8.7 light years away, to educate the tribe.
In the 1930s, two french anthropologists discovered that the "primitive" Dogon tribe had complex information about the Sirius star system which western astronomers had only managed to discover later, with the help of sophisticated telescopes and instruments.
The Dogon knew, for instance, that Sirius A, the brightest star in the sky, had a very small, white companion star with a 50 year ellipitical orbit. The companion star, Sirius B (known as "Tolo" to the Dogon) is totally invisible to the naked eye!
The Dogon also claim that Sirius A has a second companion star, yet to be discovered by today's astronomers...
The could they have known of the complex Sirius star system and the dwarf stars??
"This image provide clear viewing of the relationship of Sirius A & B, two of the three stars that comprise the Sirian star system. The third star, Sirius C, is so infinitesimal in comparison that it is invisible to the photographic lens, dwarfed by its too greater siblings. Indeed, scientists are still debating whether it exists at all – while the Ancient Dogon tribes have known of its existence for over 5,000 years, when they were visited by the Nommo of Sirius, amphibians that communicated their uncanny knowledge of celestial movements so many thousands of years ago."