Reflections on plausible
crop-circle creator theories
Several plausible creator theories:
Activity of Extraterrestrials
1. The massive documentation since WWII, on film, radar, by personal witnesses and groups, etc., of UFOs' advanced technology - their immense speed, unique maneuverability, (de)materialization, ability to alter shape, energy-aura, disabling effect on car motors, silence, and strange light phenomena ... coupled with the nearby UFO-sightings and balls of light sometimes witnessed just preceding circle-creation, would support the theory that the intelligences (extraterrestrial or whatever) behind UFOs, are also making crop-circles with a much advanced energy-technology. By definition, any beings who could reach us with these biological symbols lasting a summer, are far ahead of us in utilizing such a creative precision energy-technology.
Maybe our radio telescope signalling, noisy satellite communication, and space rocket programs have advertized our existence enough to attract curious, good-intentioned, humanoid visitors, who are preparing us for a closer contact when we're ready. These peaceful circle-symbols are in fact stimulating our evolution (so far, through the few) to more holistic ideas, which is an important element of what we need for continuing survival. Foreign circle-makers may of course also be simply observing, testing,and pacing our level of intelligence, our emotional understanding, and our spiritual responses, in some scientific assessment of our current status and receptivity.
The circle-creators are in any case mentally interacting with our present level of thoughts, which points to them as contemporary, yet they also have an intimate knowledge of our historical thought-systems (our collective unconscious, barely accessible to ourselves), pointing toward either surveillance of us through many milleniums, deeply telepathic and clairvoyant techniques, or time-travel.
Creation by Gaia (planetary intelligence)
2. Who knows the extent of Gaia's wisdom? Gaia who regulates the balance and interactions of both living species and the geo-physical things of Nature; both climatic conditions and shifts, and the catalytic results of chemical combinations; both the busy biosphere and underground Lithospheric events. Certainly Gaia can affect our consciousness in the long run, our thought-processes, as she needs to (allowing for profound additional influences from sources beyond our Earthly sphere). The implied symbol-ideas: holism, teamwork, ecological care, beauty, simplicity containing multiplicity, etc., are a world-view beneficial for Gaia. The formations' placement above strong earth-energy lines may be either her preferred choice or her only choice.
But allowing for examples in Nature like symmetric snowflakes (kaleidoscopic mirroring), crystallizations, and shell-shape progressions, would Gaia use unique specific, technical, enframed symbols - would Gaia be studying her advanced math so much, and using such precision-cutting tools which form the circles? Gaia's tastes seem to me more general and overall. The motivation would fit, but her preferred tools might be our changing instincts and genes, our intuition and yearnings, the same single inspiration popping up spontaneously in separated individuals (morphic resonance) - and not appeals to our intellect.
Planet-Healing by Guardians
3. The placement of unique frequencies (and the shapes they create, circle formations) along the Michael/Mary line and (respectfully) adjacent to powerful energy-sites and famous Neolithic ceremonial centers, on top of conductive water-sources, as well as so many electromagnectic/radiation phenomena surrounding their creation, would support this. Assuming that this geographical area is indeed a main planetary energy-center, a stronger accumulative influence for the Earth is possibly reached by pouring these varying wave-lengths through the same fields and their nearby vacinities. Maybe distant guardians are helping to lift the very Earth's frequency to some higher level. Although the food-crops, ground-water and evaporated water from these sites are probably mostly locally recycled, they might homeopathically in the longer run have mounting effects on us all.
After creation, the first strong physical effects on humans, animals, and electrical/magnetic machines in a new formation are often unpleasant or seemingly disruptive, so either humanity would not be the prime targeted recipients, or the beneficial long-range results upon us excuse the short-lived bi-product discomforts. However, the mathematical, astronomy-related, and wider religious symbol-contents themselves would seem to point toward human receivers, unless the type of geometrical metaphors (symbols) traditionally used in our abstract thinking are indeed so naturally organic and universal, that in the larger picture, all life-forms will benefit by their energizing.