"On Aug. 9th. 2003, while talking at the kitchen table, my husband was playing with a hair pin that was laying there. (I think he was trying to clean his nails with it). When he lifted his hand from the table, the pin seemed to be attached to his thumb. It just started to "dance" all around the end of it.
This went on for almost 10 minutes, long enough for me to get out the video camera and get it on tape. We suggested he try to put it back on the table and try it again, before he could touch it, it just fell to the table. He was not able to get it to "stick" to him again. After looking at the tape frame by frame, you could see very few times when the pin was actually touching his thumb. It seemed to just be "dancing" in the air. His thumb had to have become "magnetized" and that is what was making the pin "stick" with him. I truly have no idea what caused this to happen, but it sure was strange to watch."
Click here to view the video (Windows Media Player required)