"Myself and two other members of Southland Research went to one of Upper East Tn's most active haunted locations, Sensabaugh Tunnel on July.14.2003 . We went there for a preliminary daytime inspection of the tunnel, so we could get a good look at the tunnel and layout of the area surrounding it.
We were able to capture several interesting pictures. Pictured above is an "orange orb with legs" photographed by team member Gary who noticed something unusual on a rock in the creek that runs through the tunnel; it looks like an orb with spider type legs.
Sensabaugh Tunnel (pictured below) is famed in Upper East Tn. for its paranormal activity. There are a number of different stories that revolve around the tunnel that all involve murder and death of a baby. It's been said that seven spirits inhabit the tunnel and they don't like to be disturbed. In fact, quite a few people have been physically attacked by the entities that inhabit the tunnel.
You can also hear babies crying at night, and see orange orbs with facial features and the ghost of a young lady who was supposed to have been murdered there with her new born baby.
The most dangerous entity of all is a ghost of a sinister looking man that was supposed to have killed his entire family and himself in the tunnel. It takes a lot to get my nerves on edge but the minute I stood in front of that tunnel I got some very bad vibes.
Southland Research is preparing to gear up for our night time investigations, plus we are going to try and find out some more historical background about the tunnel. I feel the stories we have heard up till now are just legends but I am sure something very dramatic has happened there in the past and we would like to find out what that is. "