Here's something interesting....
The Weeping and Bleeding Statue in BoliviaThis famous image of Christ shed tears of human blood During Holy Week of 1995, the miraculous occurrence took place repeatedly during the recital of the Rosary. Since then, the number of devotees to the Crying Christ have grown to around a thousand, one hundred of which were standing in front of the statue when its eyes shed tears. The watery liquid afterward transformed into a blood-like substance that gives an impressive countenance on the face of Christ.. This weeping icon is closely associated with the visionaries Catalina Rivas and Nancy Fowler.
"Since 1995, various scientific studies of the icon have taken place, the conclusions of which are astounding and underline the fact that Cochabamba has fast become the center of a supernatural event. Recordings have been made of the crying, samples have been taken and sent to the laboratory. And lastly, the statue itself has been subjected to computerised examination. A laboratory report put together in April 1995 outlined the fact that the liquid analysed was "hemoglobin, hetero protein of a red colour that exists in hematoid, or red globules."
-It was foretold by Saint Don Bosco that Jesus would leave a sign that he had been in Cochabamba, Bolivia
-The statue has been thoroughly tested and found not to be fraudulent
-The statue forms tears of human blood at the eyes that weep down the face, caught on camera in the video
-The blood has been tested and found to be human
-The blood contained a piece of thorn, identified as a thorn from the Hawthorne bush, believed to have been the type of thorn used to make the crown of thorns for Jesus of Nazareth.