Strange image on the web cam! "Nancy writes, "I was chatting with a friend with web cams online as I have done for 8 years now! The picture I am sending you is a quick message (QM) I got it of a friend that I talk to often, but what I see in this picture is something I have never seen before?!?!?! I returned the QM but the person in the picture never replied to me. I kept asking him and told him I saw something strange in his QM but maybe he was scared of what I told him. He never answered my QM. Greetings from the Netherlands."
Circular portal with images within.
Enlarged view of the portal images
Upside-down it looks like alien people!
"We pretty much ruled out glare and lens flare because the circular image is actually behind the mans head in the picture, which means this image really does exist and it's directly to the side of the man. If this were from light or glare it would be in front of the man and would absolutely not have dimension as this does. It appears to be a portal and the images within seems to be some type of life forms."