I was chatting in camp with my fren about some paranormal topics today (what else~wahaha
Anyway he brought up that his fren captured something sinister on his phone cam while taking a photo of another guy who was wearing one of those latex horror masks.
So he proceeded to ask his fren to send this photo to his phone via MMS for me to take a look at it~!
Imagine his fren's horror when a few seconds later, this appeared in the background of the photo~!
Link to the photo is here...if you can't see on top...
http://www.webphotos.com/view_photo.asp?mi=1&smi=1&a=129988&p=2978638Is this what Malays call a "Hantu Bungkus" or more infamously know as Pochong??!!
What are your views?!
P.S Anyway I don think it is photoshopped as it was sent to my e-mail via my fren's phone...however, one can't rule out the possibility that the Pochong was also a fake...posing in the back...
I have to say that I ind it quite funny that the subject in the photo is not in the centre...hmmm....