Originally posted by LazerLordz:
sad little people.
like they get a bonus for getting all their men to collect a "minimum" amount..
these people lack the brains to understand the heartfelt value of a willing donor who parts with what little they can afford.they deserve no respect from their men, and are fair game for anything else.
integrity and professionalism? bah. Get a real man to be the CSM. Too many snivelling weaklings around that lack ethics.
Unfortunately, the CSM probably felt like a 'real man' when he said all that. Like 'Yeah see, im so smart and tough! Dont fool around with me!' Sad people.
While im intellectually against forcing people to donate, I find myself going along with the system. An officer can hardly refuse to donate money to a charitable cause due to 'conscientiously objecting' to the whole 'forced' issue, right? How can I object to donating when I already donate so much on my own? The fact that this time its compulsory does not make a difference TO THE ORGANISATION. But it does to the individual. They will just say 'Hey Mr Officer, we are not forcing you! As an officer, you SHOULD ALREADY be willing to donate.' And there you go...