Originally posted by Stooky:
for those fat n lazy people (before they enter NS) who hate to exercise n is lazy (never do any exercise one)...n all they like to do is eat, sleep, n play pc or ps game the whole day.
then there get pes BP before enlistment.
n then they also don't bother to train up before enlistment date. then when they enter NS, they suddenly have to do so much of PT, n cannot play pc/ps games n dont get enough sleep.
do u know friends who r like this? or u yourself is like this?
how do they adapt n cope i wonder? isn't it very physically n mentall demanding? then they got get mental breakdowns n have suicidal thoughts?
i got the feeling u r describing yrself to us in this post leh. haha. but can make it one, jus don't be a sabo king and always don't want to move. be more enthu. take it as u r going in to lose weight.