enlistment time is 1430 hrs, 1420 i still at home
mom getting worried ask me how come i not going yet, told her, ya la ya la
anyway my place to pasir ris interchange is abt 10mins, reach there 1440 , mom was there, told her to go white sands buy extra batt for my 6610, i forgot to ask her which black shop sold her the battery at 40 bucks
took the bus, went to the audithorium
did the usual swearing in, somehow the last phrase " WITH OUR LIVES" didnt quite come out from my mouth
, collect the sling bag ( i duno for wad) , eat the last meal,then said gd bye to mommy n went to the training shed, to get the 4D Lumber
by the time we got our stores n crap its almost nitefall, i went to the coy line alone, with un tuck shirt n shoulder length hair, my sect comd was there staring at me, ask me go to level 5 ( PL 4),
i said 5 serg ? he ask me knock it down, he say when i ask u things , dun ask "why", apprantly he heard my 5 as why
anyway, got my head shaved wif the auntie complaining she cut my hair bo hua cos so much hair, somehow she find tat statement amusing but not me
eat nite snack on the road below coy line, last parade 2320, lites off 2330 eh ?
we did it, i duno how 40 recruits manage to bath in 10 cubicles in 10mins
felt weird wif bathing naked wif 2-3 person lookin at u bath n askin u to hurry up
manage to finish everything, unpack, call mummy, call gf, look at the stars , n told myself, this is jus the farking first nite
at tat point of time, having a regimental lifestyle is not difficult for me , my sec sch boot camp was worse
rather the seperation from the world is killing me, plugin the headphones n listen to the techno songs blasting on 91.3 ( its a fri nite), was almost indulge into it until i rem earlier the sect comd who fark me jus now, his words rang in my ears ( u r not a FARKING CIVILIAN ANYMORE, so WAKE UP UR IDEA, u dont ask n qns wad i tell u to do ! NOW CARRY ON 20 ! )
open my eyes to see the same sect comd creepin into my bunk, basically to chk if everyone was asleep
many things went thru my mind, basically events for the first 21yrs of my life, tot abt many things, curse WTF am i doing here, tellin myself to endure, if everyone can do it, so can i
now lookin back, the 2yrs 4 mths spent has it good n bad
i got to see how useless pple are, i dun wan elborate too much
i got to learn to surivive in different enviroment, from jungle to political
2 more mths to ORD !