for me i think this way....
during my time (wah!!!! 18 yrs ago!!!!) when you enlisted, theres no such things as complain, hotline, fair and etc.... and therefor, instructor can do alot of wonders! and during that time, alot of us was less educated, we dare not voice out! and most of the time, we will just FOLLOW the instruction or order! this ended up, we have more siong training and more tekan session! however, the best part is, from there, the whole batch of us was more unite! and we really learned to take care of our own mate. i still remember what my CO ever said to us, IF ONE OF YOU GOT INTO A FIGHT! AND THE OTHER DIVER WAS THERE WITHOUT HELPING HIM! I WILL CHARGE THAT FCUKER WHEN HE GET BACK TO CAMP!
guess what the Co will get if he dare to say this in todays SAF
after so many yrs.... the SAF ve change... i cant say that it change to be more slack or something like that, i did ask this question when im still in the forces, and one of my officer actually say this to us..... during world war one, solider ve to fight a war within 100m, and during world war two, solider have to fight a war with 10km, and nows day.... we have to fight a war before we can physically SEE OUR ENERMY!!! and therefor, we have to accept the norm! we have to transform the whole SAF! alot of things which we use to train and learn, its slowly being replace by system and PC. therefor, the engage of physical human ve getting lesser! (to a certain extend). like it anot... theres the way a war have to fight nows day ..... after hearing all this.... i really feel sad about it.... but... come to think of it... its TRUE AND ITS FACT!