4 X Extras... all for being at the wrong place at the wrong time... kinda made me wish I took the effort to be a bad soldier if this is how I am rewarded for helping them.
First 2 kenna when my OC decided to kill everybody because my friend lost some equipment. There was nothing we could have done at that time to prevent the loss, but we were unfortunate enough to be near enough to that fellow.
Second 2 kenna for mixed up and unclear instructions, and typical of warrant officers they decide to make the specs pay.
Gggrrr thinking of those times made me wish that they came up with an Stupid-o-meter for people to use.
"You go sign two!!"
"Sorry sir, your reason for wanting me to sign registered a 9.9 out of 10 on the Stupid-o-meter, by regulations I cannot follow that order."
"@#@$!!! You better sign or else I'll CHARGE you!"
"Wah lau sir, you overloaded the meter, now you got to sign 1206!"