I was from Charlie Coy that ORDed in August 2004. Life in 30 SCE that time was crazy. Everyday also kena tekan. Kena tekan for about one year
. This was before the "commando dunking" incident. Nowadays cannot anyhow tekan already, push ups limit to 20 etc.
During my time in 30SCE, 200 push ups per session was the norm
. But on the other hand, i made many good friends there. It was because all these tekaning sessions that my section became close. Till today we are still in close contact and we get to see each other during the annual ict. So for those still serving NS, dont worry, two years will pass by very quickly. Treasure the friendships in camp because these are the people who truly understand you having lived together for two years!
Training to be soldiers!
Fight for our land
Once in our lives,
two years of our time
Have you ever wondered?
Why must we serve
Because we got no choice
And we lan lan have to serve have to serve!