Originally posted by xxthunder:
does anyone know how come people who are excused from weapons,ammunitions and range permanently be posted to armour unit for reservist training as a frontline storeman.
is it because his medical status is only reflected as pes c2 without excuse chit in the new e-medical in ns.sg,which can only be their fault for not updating properly as his medical board chit clearly states that he is excused from it.there is no reason they could miss it since they can only classified him as c2 based on his medical board and nothing else.
what do you expect this poor chap to do during war time?
stick his excuse chit on his helmet and expect the enemy to check every soldiers' medical status before attacking?
so much for 3g army,thinking soldiers for their slogan.put yourselves in his shoe,would you want to have a son or any that is possible to such treatments in the future?
is this one misunfortunate event that is waiting to happen,another possible signed insurance cheque waiting to be sent if any.
I hope that those peole who are involved in this silly mistake,realized their fault.
Aiyah, just because you posted to armour unit definitely must handle weopons and ammo meh?
Storeman with that unit just means you have to look after all the other varied stores that make up an amour unit. Doesn't mean you have to draw weopons or fire one right? You can be the guy in charge of delivering food, tents, tables and other stuff.
And if you say during war time how? Then I will tell you this, if war time come, and you have to wear a uniform, I think for your own sake better draw a weopon anyway, excused or otherwise. Besides, when war breaks out, I think the PES system and such all gets thrown out the window unless you seriously pai ka, pai chew.
No need to get all worked up.