Originally posted by skyfire:
Don't think anyone need to describe to you what happens when SM1 crushed a human body during tank overturn. You should be able to imagine that. I was from 41 SAR during that period (Think those in that period already MR liao) and many things happened then. You will be surprised how many tank commanders got their toes crushed by the tank turret and got downgraded when they did not put their foot at the correct position.
To all new tankees : Do Respect whatever machines you are operating and don't play a fool around them. Human flesh are no match against cold metal machine. If you are selected as tank commander, do be extra careful as in case of tank overturn, you better react real fast. You don't get a 2nd chance.
Train safely and Good Luck Guys.
Yes, my toes are almost crushed myself!
Tank over-turning is a very real danger as the SM1 Is quite top heavy. Thats why we are taught tank over-turning drill.
New tankees when you passed out you will get to see and update a very thick book of all the past trainees from TCC course. You will realise that the 1st few batches have some obitury pics...RIP seniors...we salute you...