The MES formation of the Army has got four primary bases with many other front line nodes where technicians are being posted to. I thin the biggest of them all is easily 9 AMB which is where i'm from.
The SAF engages civilian towing service to tow or tactical vehicles for very practical reason. These guys are more pro and more knowledgeble. Furthermore by out sourcing the towing duties to the civilians like Joo Keong, we actually free up our chaps for the more important task of maintaining the vehicles for use by the OPS people.
It is common knowledge to all who has serve in the SAF that the vehicles are in a very bad shape but as a technician from 9 AMB, i would like to post questions to regular on this forum and please give it a thinker.
! ) As the end user of the vehicle, did you ever take personal pride and responsibility for the servicability of the vehicle? There are so many times that when i attended to recovery call for supposingly vehicle breakdown in training area, the faults are very often because vehicle commander BO CHAP!!! Before every driver mover out for detail, it is not only the duty of the MTO but also the one who indent the vehicle to ensure that teh driver excutes the FPT. But touch our heart, how many of us does that?
2 ) When the vehicle goes out for training, vehicle commanders are to help the driver navigate in close terrian. But on the ground how many people are actually doing that? When vehicle break down and send to workshop, what happen? The end user will ALWAYS complain the technicians not doing their job!!!!!! Try putting on the SAF gree overall for 6 months and you tell me who is not working!!!!
3 ) after every detail, you as the end user, do you ensure that the driver washes his vehicle before returning to the MTL? Driver never like to book in their vehicle to me for repair because i will always reject them. Why? Vehicle coated with mud, no fuel, battery flat and the list goes on. YOu may say that it is my job to repair the vehicle but let me ask all the combatant this question.
When you guys are not on training, what you guys do? Wear Admin and jalan jalan the camp right? Did it ever ocuur to you that there is always this group of people in camp clearing your shit!!!
When will you ever see technicians wearing admin jalan jalan in camp. ONly when we are reporting sick or after HLS.
If you don't ensure that the driver wash the vehicle and top up after every detail, how are we military technical inspector going to conduct a meaningful and proper technical inspection of the vehicle? Try goin under a vehicle with the under carriage all cake with mud and you are suppose to either carry out inspection, repair or servicing and all you see is mud. with every turn of the socket wrench, sand and soil gets into your eyes even though you are wearing glasses. Tell me how you feel?
To all combatant in this forum, please do remember that everybody in the unit is important. we need you to be safe from enemy fires but please DO REMEMBER that if the logistic support screw up, YOU guys are just sitting ducks waiting to be slaughtered!!!!!!!