Originally posted by oxford mushroom:
16 stress fractures? Who are you kidding? Name the fractures please...
navicular(left and right) so that's 2.
5th and 1st metatarsal left and right(that's four)
Tibiafibular joints left and right (another 2)
left and right upper tibia medial condyles(another 2)
As well and lower tibia left and right(another 2)
Since last i msged my lateral condyles bothsides and ankles both sides have healed just got the results
But yea that was it 16 i believe?
Apparently i got a low bone density of Z-1.9 or something along those lines.Osteopenia. Plus some bone alignment issue cause by some bad habits i had in postering while recovering from a bone graft when i was 14 caused by a bone cyst in my left upper Humerous which was found because i fractured it.
Yea i know with all this shit i shldnt even be PES B but that part i dont blame the medical corps. I only blame them for the current lack of rest of this injury.
However i would like to say,that after the present scan results came back with quite a bad bone swell in my left lower tibia and some obvious extra injury to the navicular bones(wadever that is) while having recovered some other areas the MO's are nicer hahah i am getting proper rest and treatment now which i'm bloody thankful for. Hopefully in 3 months i will be all fine.
edit:Oh btw for the doctor's info it's been around 9 months since i suffered this so it's abit weird it's taking so long which is quite the part bugging me.It also dropped me to a PES status whereby i cant sign on so no,i'm not trying to keng hah)