1. You are posted to IMOS.
2. Your vocation is NVL CBT SYS OPR (ND).
3. Your are to report to: Changi Naval Training Base, RSS PANGLIMA Tanah Merah Coast Road (Beside Changi Naval Base).
Reporting Date/Time: 26/03/2007 at 0800 hrs.
Person to report to: Chief Clerk
Contact Number: 65445592/81/76
You are required to report in smart no.4 uniform (PES E recruits to be in No 3 uniform), except for those assigned to Police Force.
4. Special Instruction: No Camera Handphone is allowed. Report to CNTB (Blk 118 Lobby) at 0800 hrs sharp, Report in No. 4 uniform with service cap. SAF 11B is also required to be brought along. Other items (such as clothings, etc) need not be brought along.
Any idea what this vocation is ? How come no need bring along clothing etc , so just report in smart 4 and cap ?