Originally posted by deltajunk203:
Hi i am going to be enlisted for NS in a few years time and i am quite interested to join the RSAF as a engineer or join the infantry.
hw do i get psoted there and what to do during bmt to get posted there?
Another qn:What those with colour blind people go after BMT?
Are they able to go into those i want to go?
to join the RSAF as a Senior Technician ( or your so called junior engineer) is normally a vocation opened to regulars. Never ever heard of NSFs, maybe as sai kang warriors to these Senior Techs, but certainly not being a Snr Tech.
In any case, you would require a diploma in mech or electric or aero engineering.
If you're from the A level route, do exceedingly well in your A Levels and you can qualify to be an AEO. An Engineering Officer. That is also an option, and i'm told most AEOs are very well paid, and they rise through the ranks very quickly.
If you're an NSF, joining the infantry is not much a problem. It is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, formations of the army. No modern army undermines or belittles the use of the infantry.
From men to specs to Officers... many chances for you to be posted to Infantry. Just ask your PC/PS when you're in BMT. be warned... being in the infantry is not as glam or 'cool' as you think. Imagine digging for 2 days and when you're done...it rains and your sleeping area becomes a nice 'water bed'. Many more horror stories awaits...haha...
Colour blind people, in severe cases, cannot join combat vocations. Although I know of a colour blind friend who became an Officer.