Originally posted by NOTNobody:
Forced happiness isn't real happiness. Forced discipline isn't self-discipline. Conscription is against Human Rights. Will you do things whole-heartedly when you're being forced to?
Back in the olden days, we got no choice. Enemy are already at our doorstep. Hot-blooded young men volunteered to fight against the invaders. They deserve our respect. That, was in the past.
However now? It's entirely different era from then. Granted, we are facing with threats - terrorism. By having conscription, different batches of people have to go through the same training, only to be "released" upon reaching 2 years. Would this deter terrorism? And to be more specific, how many who have gone through the training would answer to the call of arm when the time come? How many would actually fight against terrorism?
Hence, there is a need to have a more specialized force rather than a force that is barely there. Batch and batch of male citizen who have turn 18 are require to serve NS. When one batch undergo BMT, another ORD. Such repetitive training get us nowhere. Those who have complete the training stay stagnant, only to be drag back from the civilian life to "refresh" memory.
Those who are serving NS don't get much respect from the society. Root of problem is mainly because "Most male citizen, if not all, would need to go through this phase". Unlike in other countries where their military comprises of specialized units. Their army is like a symbolism of patriotism.
If i were to question those serving NS currently. What is the major upcoming event? It's not joint training with the US Armed Forces. It's not the combined training with the Austrialian Armed Forces. It would be the National Day Parade 2007.
If Singapore were to do away with Conscription, have those money that is suppose to be NSF allowance added onto Regular's pay, i believe more people will sign on. When these people who volunteer to serve the country, they will also gain their respect(afterall, they are not the Wayang Show like now).
Conscription in SG = cheap local male labour IMHO.
just like how SG agencies uses cheap indo/phillipine maids.
trust me, Singapore isnt a true republic (yeah yeah, its on paper yada yada...) and it isnt very democratic either... just look at how much the ministers are being paid and how the government doesnt subsidize medical fees and other items that the citizens NEED.
Actions speak louder than words .