getting charged for entering NTU during clear leave?
there is 1 charge in saf chap 295 there basically covers all loop holes in the miltary law . General disobedience of lawful orders . period
One month time before school starts. Hmm...
TS, go to your S1 br again and ask if there is still such a thing as Early Release for NSF. If they are not sure, get them to check with CMPB.
Let me share my story, like TS my ORD was actually two weeks before School started. That was in 2002. What happened is that MINDEF had this scheme that allowed the NSF to ORD earlier, in return he pays back the exact number of days of leave he has for the number of days he got out earlier.
I served 2.5 years but now you guys only do 2. Not sure if such a scheme is still applicable but it's worth exploring for your case. Good luck.
write in to the media to complain and let the whole world know seriously, its the only way out if u really wanna go to uni
I am very sure that there's a GOM for early release using leaves and offs. Please ask ur S1 to assist. =)
(a sidenote: didn't expect this thread to balloon to 100+ posts in 3 days..)
Rules are rules, but the CO's being a real jackass. NS is supposed to be duty, not punishment. Looks like deferment's the only viable option.
TS 's CO really damm neow lah,last time i also like u somemore mine is not local Uni lol and i even manage to claim 30days offs to study early from my 2IC lol.actually this type of thing CO will bother to care meh,it a small thing leh,and why can't u study?i mean if your unit re-call u,then u LL go back loh,if not it your leaves mah you clear leave stay at home rot also stupid right,waste your time?Last time i clear leaves,my CO dun even know leh LOL,or maybe u kena aim har????How come your CO know u going to clear leaves for studies?You think he is a god?and is he so free to check on one nsfs shouldn't he have more important things to handle,usually this type of thing is your section IC approve ok liao leh lol I suggest you go to your S1 again,if cannot then higher authority loh,or if u want things big right,call CMPB for the proper channels to complain lol but then chances are very low,or ask your parents write to mp loh but by the time they reply haha maybe u ord liao lol.sometime saf do things very slow lol,yeah by right nsfs cannot have full time committments but there alway the golden rule in saf,do anything but don't get caught.