Hello everyone. I am enlisting tomorrow to PTP on Tekong. Just a quick question (I need advice). I wear hard contact lenses (That shape your eye) because my degree is pretty high. I have two pairs of glasses though. I only wear these in the day. My question is-am I allowed/advised to wear contact lenses during training?
Also, I'm in PES B L1. Does anyone know the specifics of that?
better not, u wear contact lens to attract who in tekong?
Wild boar or your new friends in BMT.
Mai waste time lah.
yes, don't wear contact lense. Your specs will serve their purpose just fine. In fact, it's more convenient to wear your glasses. On and off, easy.
actually i wear them for necessity rather than for looks lol
but thanks anyway for the fast replies...
wear specs. when u go range, they wun allow u to wear contacts.
I wear contacts mostly though. Cos I find it really irritating during runs, physical exercises, etc when the specs keep slipping off. And I don't like to wear those specs hooks.
But during range and outfield must wear specs of course.
the bcc instructor will prolly ask u get spec bands. so in the end, u most likely wear specs with spec bands for ur bmt....
Actually specs are a buggeration - they fog up etc.
But then you are only going to wayang - so no probs lah.
Just charge and shout BANG BANG BANG in the general direction everyone is facing can already
Whatever you do, do not ever wear your contacts into a CS chamber.