Nope....I am not talking abt tank operators of Nazi Germany back in WW2. I am asking this question to all those that have served in the armour formation, do you know of any legendary armour commander or tank crew that performed so exceptionally well in exercises that they are well talked abt till this day? Or any brilliant armour theories in SAF, a Michael Whittman or Heinz Guderian?
Have u ever been involved in any of SAF's exercises??
the exercises are relli exercise...where u just go through the routine
Panzer Ace?!? I relli doubt we have any lar just asking out of curiosity....
Yes, I did my NS but not from armour, I am just asking if there is any outstanding armour personnels, things on that line. Eg. is that there was once an F-16 pilot from SG that too part in red-flag exercises and gained some prominence as he was alert enough to detect an incoming 'agressor' that was heading for the AWACS. There was an interview of him. Of course I know real aces are made in REAL WARS and engagement, but considering we frequently train in India sometimes with their armoured corp, how do we fair when compared with them?