wad do combat clerks do? bring laptop with sbo and do adminwork in forest?
Operationally, they're be under the S1 cell, lah. You'll see their roles clearer upon entering reservist. But, as long as we're a peacetime army, they & the CQ/RQ people are more important in organizing every ICT, & are often designated as KAHs as a result. In wartime, they're supposed to help in POW management, for starters. So good luck, with apparently no training ~lol~
Back to the main topic: I should point out the combat engineers & combat medics, etc. are trained, firstly, as riflemen. That's why they do their BMT in Tekong or via mono-intake. In the old days, Tekong was ITD, i.e. Infantry Training Depot & those sent there knew they're arrowed for the "combat" side -- as either junior commanders (OCS or SAFINCO) or in combat-support. Ditto the mono-intakers (the famous Hokkien peng). Those sent to SBMT in Nee Soon knew they're arrowed for the "service" side, which wasn't entirely true cuz some of them would kena combat-support too. But unlike, say, the fitter drivers, clerks & most storemen weren't trained as riflemen. So no way were they "combat", although they might be posted on to operational units.
At the unit itself, there's also a distinction that support & service troops posted to the company line will join the Hokkien peng in following the same training programmes. So the medics & storemen, etc. there can often claim to be "more warrior" than their HQ counterparts, who are operationally & regimentally more rear-echelon.