normally when do ord personnels do their ord ffi? is it on their last day in service or a few days before?
Originally posted by lamo:
normally when do ord personnels do their ord ffi? is it on their last day in service or a few days before?
Normally your unit clerk will schedule ur FFI about 1 month or so before ORD date.
must book dental ffi 1st b4 the medical ffi at medical centre.
You'll normally be clearing your remaining leave/offs, so it's also partly be down to attitude: the willingness to make the necessary arrangements & then physically return to camp to finalize things.
i personally do my ffi 1 week before. just in case anything goes wrong.
imagine the last day u go camp want to do ffi then that day MO busy not around in camp. GG Like my friends, jio them go back camp do FFI, they don't want. Want to last day come back do one time then collect IC. In the end tio fuck by MO. Collect IC another day =x