i am not an avid supporter of the SAF, but i will like to highlight something which my friend pointed out to me b4..
the SAF is such a big organisation, with so many formations and divisions and whatever.. so everybody's experience is different.. everybody's opinion is different..
true, we may have suffered injustice and unfairness through our time in the service, but we should not think that all other camps all like that one la.. all regulars all slack one.. all throw to NSF go die one..
there are rotten apples there, but similarly, there are regulars who sincerely want to do their part.. i've seen both types in my 2 years in my camp.. and i think it will be unfair to say that the whole SAF is fu
cked up just because of our bad experiences with our superiors.. of course we have a myriad of such examples, but we do have our share of fun with the friends and fellow NSFs we have in there
it will be unfair to say that SAF is screwed up just because of our own personal experience..
well, why do i care..? ORD LO!