okay la. gloater u know the best.
even i myself as a military pilot dunno how much i am earning or possibly earn. damn sad lah. to be told by an outsider i earn peanuts. heh.
Troll troll troll alert!
I'm relieved to see that not many have replied to the inane postings of a certain poster above, proving that sweeping generalizations of salary being the most important part of the job is definitely not on the forefront of your average Singaporean's agenda.
Look the jig is up. And no matter how you try to twist or conjure info from nowhere to sway public knowledge of the truth, no matter how you insist without any proof that SAI First Officer pay at 30, 31, 32 is not $4, but it's $4.5k, $5k or $5.5k or even $6, all without proof, it doesn't matter.
You know why? Cos the crux of this is, the bubble is burst. You see, what's important is that the long and falsely held fallacy that commercial pilots are "so damn well paid" or that they're "paid many times more than military pilots in SG" or "its where the big bucks are at" is gone. The jig is up.
Even if you wanna add a few measley hundreds or thousands to what was public declared by an official source like the Association of Pilots, the fact is commercial pilots make peanuts once they start their career at 26. The peanut continues on to a slightly bigger peanut in their 30s compared to people in the corporate world or SAF officers. The peanut remains under the cap of $8k all the way till they're at least 40 yrs and older.
Fact is, I've shown everyone that a SAI Captain can only make an entry level pay of $8K. To be a SAI Captain the sod would be at least 40 if not at the mouldy end of 40s. Beoing 777 pilots are in their 50s. You can pull in miscellaneous benefits common to all professionals in SG all you want. SAI pilots aren't the only ones given allowances. We haven't even gone into the annual package. If a SAI pilot needs his allowance just to be equivalent to the basic pay of a RSAF pilot, it means his annual package is vastly lower because bonuses are tallied with basic pay, and never with basic pay + allowances. Fact is, i've burst the bubble and the false notion that you hold so dearly to your heart. It sucks but now everyone (at least here) knows.
Where the big bucks are at? Paid many times more or so much better than RSAF pilots? NOT.
Originally posted by rylche:Troll troll troll alert!
I'm relieved to see that not many have replied to the inane postings of a certain poster above, proving that sweeping generalizations of salary being the most important part of the job is definitely not on the forefront of your average Singaporean's agenda.
I said that its not true that SAI pilots earn more than military pilots, certainly not in Singapore. I gave information contrary to what so many people in this thread did not know because they were saying without prior knowledge of SAI pilots' pay how they were making big bucks and it's where the $$ is at. It's not. That's all I said.
Now, don't put words in my mouth. I never once that salary is the "most important part of one's job" and I'll be impressed if you could show me when I did.
Why.... you accuse others of being a troll when they tell you things you don't like to hear
Originally posted by cheeze:okay la. gloater u know the best.
even i myself as a military pilot dunno how much i am earning or possibly earn. damn sad lah. to be told by an outsider i earn peanuts. heh.
why damn sad? I said you don't know the SAI commercial pay. I didn't say you don't know military pilot's pay.
Fat white clowns on autopilot are paid peanuts. Not military pilots.
Miltary pilots= OCS selected. fat white clowns= No OCS.
Both types of pilots are trained to handle emergency situations but the military pilot actually flies the damn plane. cheeze, if you're a military pilot you should know the fitness requirement of military pilots. Do you think it is more selective getting a place in a program where the pilot actually flies the plane, contends with Gforce or fly autopilot?
It is common sense to non pilots that it's easier to be selected for a job where you don't do anything vs a job that requires you to do what you're paid for.
cheeze, if you could come up with the info written just now on allowances, it must have been taken from somewhere in the pilot forum. can you show me? i am really interested to see. i'm open to correction if its valid cos life is an ever learning curve.
Dude ur getting a little hostile here. No need to start a war over something as minor as pilot pay. Some RSAF pilots who switch over switch not becos of the pay, but maybe cos they are fed up with the military life, or prefer a workplace full of ladies. haha. No need to blast cheeze over here for something that he didnt do wrong in the 1st place alright?
try this link. look towards the bottom it talks about SIA pay. the guy who started the forum is from SQ. hope this helps your quest. i'm not about to argue the point already i think we've beaten this issue to death.
well, like i mentioned before. if SQ pilot pay = peanuts. therefore, military pilot pay which is slightly less = what?? how not to be sad? haha.
anyway. sg males join SQ at 26, so say 7 yrs to a mid-range 1st officer. they get that amount of pay. its equivalent to a 26/7 year old captain pilot who has spent 7 years in the airforce. they are only penalised because of the minimum age, else all being equal at the same age they are actually earning slightly more.
the lucky ones are the m'sian guys who get to join SQ early like 20s, by the time they hit early 30s they already get their captaincy.
anyway this is all just a relative comparison of pilot salaries in military and commercial. you can choose to hold on to the fact the SQ pilots earn peanuts, i reckon you be part of airforce recruitment, they would certainly hold you as a prized asset for denoucing SIA pilots and maybe we could curb the turnover of military pilots that cross over to SQ?
airforce pilots are paid that amount cause it justifies the dangerous work and the responsibility of operating million dollar aircraft.
airline pilots are also commensurated a significant amount because they are responsible for the safety of all the passengers as well as the multimillion dollar aircraft. they may have more automated stuff but there is alot of systems monitoring throughout the flight because there is simply a bigger jet, more systems- more gauges and longer hours. its just there to help their job become easier.
both are totally different type of flying requirement.
hey look dudes really not hostile or anything. hmmm, the thing is, if no one in sg said things all the time like "commercial is where the big bucks are, oh they pay so MUCH better than RSAF" to that exaggerated and hyperbolic levels,it won't elicit a reaction to people who know how much they are paid. The thing is, it's very far from the exaggeration and the hyperbole displayed everywhere. My point is, even if you add a few deviations from the figures thrown, they are a far cry from the hyperbole believed by many all this while. no, RSAF pilots do not earn less than commercial pilots. I'm also pretty sure that just as not all RSAF pilots become Generals, the Boeing 777 pilot pay is not representative of SQ pilot pay. cheers.
Originally posted by cheeze:
anyway this is all just a relative comparison of pilot salaries in military and commercial. you can choose to hold on to the fact the SQ pilots earn peanuts, i reckon you be part of airforce recruitment, they would certainly hold you as a prized asset for denoucing SIA pilots and maybe we could curb the turnover of military pilots that cross over to SQ?
Nah cheeze i'm not interested in recruitment work. I responded with info I know and believe to be true, because I reacted towards long time passing comments that are a far cry from the truth. That's all.
In your words, "the turnover of military pilots that cross to become fat white clowns" i reckon exists because they dislike SAF and military life, dislike the politicking shenanigans that I know SAF can have in significance, and not because of their pay's being allegedly so much lower in RSAF. I venture this much you can agree. All the comments about big bucks and what not.. far from the truth.
I never once said that RSAF's culture or the military was perfect, I am very clear about the points I wanted to make and made- they were about the misconceptions about remuneration and selectivity; And commercial pilots in Singapore do not hit some pay hike paradise compared to military. In fact they make less on mean average of start to end and when you compare 2 same age dudes, am I right? And I said it's easier to get into a program that doesn't have an OCS hurdle, doesn't require gruelling physical fitness.
there are many jobs that I would never take with salary higher than what I chose to do eg top insurance sales that earn millions of dollars cos I hate sales. I do think commercial pilots are poorly paid compared to military pilots, but i don't think RSAF pilots have a perfect life.
Originally posted by cheeze:anyway. sg males join SQ at 26, so say 7 yrs to a mid-range 1st officer. they get that amount of pay. its equivalent to a 26/7 year old captain pilot who has spent 7 years in the airforce. they are only penalised because of the minimum age, else all being equal at the same age they are actually earning slightly more.
Okay. I see your point. Just need to ask more cos i'm curious. Lets say a RSAF pilot starts from 23 and by 31 he should be a Maj (so he joined SAF for 8yrs). Earlier age to become SIA First Officer is 29 (after 2 yr training)+8 yrs experience= 37. Would the 37 yr old autopilot dude make as much as the 31 yr old military dude? Still, we're talking about a very big difference of 6 yrs even if they earn the same. I'd say based on the timeline (salary is compared by an age-based timeline as it presumes to rise with age), the commercial dude is paid less than a military pilot of the same age and paid less than military pilots up to 5-7 yrs younger than him?
I've 30 yr old military pilot friends who say they make over $10K per mth. Can verify if its true?
An experienced military pilot who retires at 45 to go to SIA, can he use the flying hours he clocked in RSAF and become a commercial Captain immediately?
Originally posted by cheeze:they may have more automated stuff but there is alot of systems monitoring throughout the flight because there is simply a bigger jet, more systems- more gauges and longer hours. its just there to help their job become easier.both are totally different type of flying requirement.
I know they're responsible for human life in a loose way, because the responsibility is sorta only kicked in the event of a plane failure. Commercial planes have more automated stuff because its size is larger so there are more systems. Can enlighten us the extent of flying and control the commercial pilots do on the planes? More automation for more systems. But what does he actually do beyond lobo-ing?
Gloater will you just STFU ?
you have the rights to comment but u don't have the rights to criticise people .Before u even start saying more ... Are you even a PILOT from any organisation urself ?So what if a SIA pilot does this while a RSAF pilot does that .They are still a profession that i believe all of us should at the very least respect.
RSAF pilots who cross-over to the commercial sector are big enough to make their own choices. Why should u bother or not if they make the right or wrong choices ?
u seem to have many friends .. how many of them i don't know.
Maybe u just hate us all pilots so much because u got axed during training or counldn't even qualify for a pilot slot . (Otherwise why would u have so many pilots friends ? RSAF also got , SIA also got )
(Btw , i passed my medical awaiting BMT already )
Originally posted by Gloater:Okay. I see your point. Just need to ask more cos i'm curious. Lets say a RSAF pilot starts from 23 and by 31 he should be a Maj (so he joined SAF for 8yrs). Earlier age to become SIA First Officer is 29 (after 2 yr training)+8 yrs experience= 37. Would the 37 yr old autopilot dude make as much as the 31 yr old military dude? Still, we're talking about a very big difference of 6 yrs even if they earn the same. I'd say based on the timeline (salary is compared by an age-based timeline as it presumes to rise with age), the commercial dude is paid less than a military pilot of the same age and paid less than military pilots up to 5-7 yrs younger than him?
to be a major at 31 abit challenging lah, because most guys are A level/poly holders, probably 33 where your contract is about to end is a better estimate. of course the scholars would already be majors by the time they hit 28?? so can't compare there. i would say that the 1st officer can make an equivalent or if not slightly more than the airforce dude. probably only penalised by age but what to do? they start at 26 wor. but a major would earn more than a 1st officer for sure, unless that 1st officer is very senior and about to make captain? maybe on par...
I've 30 yr old military pilot friends who say they make over $10K per mth. Can verify if its true?
.exactly 30? graduate? degree holder? fighter guy? let's say poly/a-level dude right, captain & cat A fighter pilot who should technically draw the highest salary. errrr, i think it's defnitely still shy of 5 digits. even one of my graduate colleagues didn't hit 5 digits before he left. hmmmm. so that 10K mark abit dubious unless they are Majors or even higher? let's not go into exact numbers for salary. anyway civil servants pay usually lower than private sector, excluding those ministers lah.
An experienced military pilot who retires at 45 to go to SIA, can he use the flying hours he clocked in RSAF and become a commercial Captain immediately?
eh, the hours refer to fixed-wing hours and whether you got multi-engine hours. so the transport guys have some advantages and those flying fighters too, especially those fighters with more than 1 engine. hehehee. they can use those hours if i am not wrong but only up to a certain % can be carried over. helicopter pilots, if they wanted to cross over, most of them either go through the whole training process or clock their own fixed wing hours/multi-engine hours privately. but definitely i am very sure that an airforce pilot that crosses over also has to go from 2nd officer to 1st and then to captain, but not sure if they take as long as the non-experienced guys who start at 26... but i think someone in SIA can answer this better. my info is all from coffee chats. hahaha but of course you are right, salary is not one of the main reason that ppl leave. many many factors....let's not go there.
Originally posted by rAspbErryytEa:Gloater will you just STFU ?
you have the rights to comment but u don't have the rights to criticise people .Before u even start saying more ... Are you even a PILOT from any organisation urself ?So what if a SIA pilot does this while a RSAF pilot does that .They are still a profession that i believe all of us should at the very least respect.
RSAF pilots who cross-over to the commercial sector are big enough to make their own choices. Why should u bother or not if they make the right or wrong choices ?
u seem to have many friends .. how many of them i don't know.
Maybe u just hate us all pilots so much because u got axed during training or counldn't even qualify for a pilot slot . (Otherwise why would u have so many pilots friends ? RSAF also got , SIA also got )
(Btw , i passed my medical awaiting BMT already )
rAspbErryytEa you just STFU yourself.
Commercial or military pilots are not the only friends I have. I have many others in all sectors in Singapore and overseas. The reason you don't have friends, many or otherwise in different jobs is because you haven't even started your BMT yet and some of your friends are still not legally old enough to drink.
I have every right to comment because this is a forum and there is a freedom of speech. When the F did i 'criticise' people? you can't read? illiterate? I said it is not true that there is such a big disparity between group A and group B contrary to what many believed. I said it's not logically true looking at the criteria needed to become group A and group B, for people to say group B is harder to get in.
Too bad illiterate guys, unlike people with no dicks still have to serve NS. And too bad that while illiteracy can be corrected with age and self study, mental illness cannot.
Originally posted by cheeze:to be a major at 31 abit challenging lah, because most guys are A level/poly holders, probably 33 where your contract is about to end is a better estimate. of course the scholars would already be majors by the time they hit 28?? so can't compare there. i would say that the 1st officer can make an equivalent or if not slightly more than the airforce dude. probably only penalised by age but what to do? they start at 26 wor. but a major would earn more than a 1st officer for sure, unless that 1st officer is very senior and about to make captain? maybe on par...
.exactly 30? graduate? degree holder? fighter guy? let's say poly/a-level dude right, captain & cat A fighter pilot who should technically draw the highest salary. errrr, i think it's defnitely still shy of 5 digits. even one of my graduate colleagues didn't hit 5 digits before he left. hmmmm. so that 10K mark abit dubious unless they are Majors or even higher? let's not go into exact numbers for salary. anyway civil servants pay usually lower than private sector, excluding those ministers lah.
Serious ah? whats the proportion of A level/poly holders vs degree holders in RSAF, i'm curious? Afterall the proportion will affect one's entry incentive to go in as diploma holder. if there are 9 dip holder fighter pilot to only 1 degree holder, the incentive for a dip holder is very high. The person who told me is 31 this dec actually, Maj, cat A fighter. So he bluffing a bit? He also said he has very good bonuses up to 5 months the whole yr so his annual package is quite high and he can afford to buy a nice condo by 27, but his car damn beng leh, RX8. he said one drawback of commercial is you'll always not be in SG so it can be tough for those with family and kids like him who just had one now and another one on the way, although his pilot training does always take him to the France or US (i think) frequently.
Originally posted by Gloater:Serious ah? whats the proportion of A level/poly holders vs degree holders in RSAF, i'm curious? Afterall the proportion will affect one's entry incentive to go in as diploma holder. if there are 9 dip holder fighter pilot to only 1 degree holder, the incentive for a dip holder is very high. The person who told me is 31 this dec actually, Maj, cat A fighter. So he bluffing a bit? He also said he has very good bonuses up to 5 months the whole yr so his annual package is quite high and he can afford to buy a nice condo by 27, but his car damn beng leh, RX8. he said one drawback of commercial is you'll always not be in SG so it can be tough for those with family and kids like him who just had one now and another one on the way, although his pilot training does always take him to the France or US (i think) frequently.
majority of people sign on after A levels/ poly, then a small number take a short sponsored study break for uni halfway through. i can't state whats the ratio of degree holders to non-degree holders but probably 1/3 or even 1/4 is a safe estimate. including scholars as part of the whole number. but whether or not you're a degree holder only affects your pay because if you're not a scholar, your route of advancement is the same as anyone else. it may be slightly faster than a non-grad, you may end up retiring at a higher rank also but only main difference is pay i guess. you do have a huge number of people who are A levels and opt not to go to uni and continue and serve til they retire or finish contract.
non-scholar Major at 31 is possible, but rare.. unless you work super hard lah and lucky that people support your promotion. but of course at age 31 barring any mishap, all good-performing scholars would have been major by then. because right up to LTC superscale, the promotions are all based on time and abit of merit involved i am sure.
bonus up to 5 mth!?!? our bonuses are civil service bonus. so whatever is declared by the govt is whatever we get lor. so have we heard any 5 mth bonuses in the recent times? usually you only hear 2 month or something right? but for SQ i have heard about 5 mth bonuses or more.
but of course if you are posted overseas definitely earn more because of the additional overseas allowances? plus smart investments and savings i am sure even someone with a stable income at 27 can afford a condo. i won't go so far as to say he is lying but he must be really doing very well n flying high in my opinion. good for your friend! maybe must get some tips from him. haha
Originally posted by eurofighter:777 Captains DO NOT make up SAI Captains. That is not the salary commanded by all SAI CAPTAINS . The bulk of SIA fleet are made of Boeing 747-400s and 30 Airbus A340-300s, not 777. Anyone who has taken SIA a few times knows this[/Quote]
If you can comment so much, I dont even know why you cant get this simple fact right. Yeah, everyone who has taken SQ SHOULD know that above 80% of the fleet is 777s. The rest is the 5 ultra long haul A340-500, A380s and an increasingly dwindling number of 747-400s. Your A340-300s are like what, retired 6 years ago?
Thats why the they used the 777 flight crew pay for comparison in the dispute.
Originally posted by Gloater:SAI 777 Captains DO NOT make up SAI Captains. That is not the salary commanded by all SAI CAPTAINS . The bulk of SIA fleet are made of Boeing 747-400s and 30 Airbus A340-300s, not 777. Anyone who has taken SIA a few times knows this.
Eh Mr Gloater, please get this right. You are doing a disservice by pointing to wrong facts. SIA has the world biggest fleet of B777s. 30 A340-300s? Dude, you mixed up A340-300s and A340-500s. Even then, the number of A340-300s SIA ordered is less than 20 and less than 10 were delivered. All were sold prior to 2002. ><
Besides, I do not know what is your problem regarding SIA that you have to make a big hoo-ha about. If you are interested to debate, I can point you to 2 more applicable forums:
Everyone has his or her own right to make certain decisions about their future. Not everyone takes money as seriously as you do. Some people are very interested in flying and I am certain that the money part, to them, is really of a secondary importance.
You have NO RIGHT, i repeat, NO RIGHT, to impose your views on others. I did not bother nailing you really down regarding the issues of SAF scholars. Now you are here to troll about SIA. If you've got grievances, just tell the ALPA-S. I believe they might bother listening to you if you are bored.
If ALPA-S are not making any loud noises recently, I don't see the need for you, a non-SIA pilot, to make noises here.
Really. It's time to stop quoting 'I have friends in... (insert relevant industry)". Unless you are in the industry, else your opinions have pretty much reliability as ours.
Cool it guys, in my opinion, we should join cause of our passion not the money.
SIA is in the process of selling off their 747s. Currently the fleet comprises of A380s, B777s, A345s and the yet to be retired 747s.
On order are A333s (Leases), A350XWB, B787(forgot the actual model).
Originally posted by teraexa:Eh Mr Gloater, please get this right. You are doing a disservice by pointing to wrong facts. SIA has the world biggest fleet of B777s. 30 A340-300s? Dude, you mixed up A340-300s and A340-500s. Even then, the number of A340-300s SIA ordered is less than 20 and less than 10 were delivered. All were sold prior to 2002. ><
Besides, I do not know what is your problem regarding SIA that you have to make a big hoo-ha about. If you are interested to debate, I can point you to 2 more applicable forums:
Everyone has his or her own right to make certain decisions about their future. Not everyone takes money as seriously as you do. Some people are very interested in flying and I am certain that the money part, to them, is really of a secondary importance.
You have NO RIGHT, i repeat, NO RIGHT, to impose your views on others. I did not bother nailing you really down regarding the issues of SAF scholars. Now you are here to troll about SIA. If you've got grievances, just tell the ALPA-S. I believe they might bother listening to you if you are bored.
If ALPA-S are not making any loud noises recently, I don't see the need for you, a non-SIA pilot, to make noises here.
Really. It's time to stop quoting 'I have friends in... (insert relevant industry)". Unless you are in the industry, else your opinions have pretty much reliability as ours.
+1+1 i totally argee with this ... GLOATER ! if u don't FLY shut UP!
there are many people out there who enjoy their jobs over money .
so what if he makes lesser money ! as long as they enjoy their jobs !
i have SYFC instructors who could have crossed-over to other places but chosed to stay because they have the passion for teaching us REGARDLESS OF PAY !
Originally posted by rAspbErryytEa:+1+1 i totally argee with this ... GLOATER ! if u don't FLY shut UP!
there are many people out there who enjoy their jobs over money .
so what if he makes lesser money ! as long as they enjoy their jobs !
i have SYFC instructors who could have crossed-over to other places but chosed to stay because they have the passion for teaching us REGARDLESS OF PAY !
Actually if they didnt choose to do this, they would either be teaching back in airgrading, or transfer over to SIA or CAAS. My former instructor was an airgrading instructor, then he came over to syfc. He hated commercial flying cos of all the frigging automation, so he chose to do yfc cos he said at least he can get some actual flying. And just so u noe, I think his pay is higher as compared to when he transfer over to SIA.
Originally posted by cheeze:majority of people sign on after A levels/ poly, then a small number take a short sponsored study break for uni halfway through. i can't state whats the ratio of degree holders to non-degree holders but probably 1/3 or even 1/4 is a safe estimate. including scholars as part of the whole number. but whether or not you're a degree holder only affects your pay because if you're not a scholar, your route of advancement is the same as anyone else. it may be slightly faster than a non-grad, you may end up retiring at a higher rank also but only main difference is pay i guess. you do have a huge number of people who are A levels and opt not to go to uni and continue and serve til they retire or finish contract.
non-scholar Major at 31 is possible, but rare.. unless you work super hard lah and lucky that people support your promotion. but of course at age 31 barring any mishap, all good-performing scholars would have been major by then. because right up to LTC superscale, the promotions are all based on time and abit of merit involved i am sure.
bonus up to 5 mth!?!? our bonuses are civil service bonus. so whatever is declared by the govt is whatever we get lor. so have we heard any 5 mth bonuses in the recent times? usually you only hear 2 month or something right? but for SQ i have heard about 5 mth bonuses or more.
but of course if you are posted overseas definitely earn more because of the additional overseas allowances? plus smart investments and savings i am sure even someone with a stable income at 27 can afford a condo. i won't go so far as to say he is lying but he must be really doing very well n flying high in my opinion. good for your friend! maybe must get some tips from him. haha
I asked him liao. He said he said 5 mths is the year's total (and not just the year end one which can only be 1-2 mths) and apparently SAF gives bonuses give in several different stages like some GLCs, in 3 or 4 components. So it's AWS + performance + fixed bonus.
Originally posted by eurofighter:If you can comment so much, I dont even know why you cant get this simple fact right. Yeah, everyone who has taken SQ SHOULD know that above 80% of the fleet is 777s. The rest is the 5 ultra long haul A340-500, A380s and an increasingly dwindling number of 747-400s. Your A340-300s are like what, retired 6 years ago?
Thats why the they used the 777 flight crew pay for comparison in the dispute.
Oh really? " above 80% of the fleet is 777s"?
According to CD pilot, the current SAI fleet is
"A380s, B777s, A345s and the yet to be retired 747s.
On order are A333s (Leases), A350XWB, B787(forgot the actual model)."
So out of these, A380, B777, A345, A333, A350 and B787, you say that 777 makes up OVER 80% of its fleet?
Originally posted by rAspbErryytEa:+1+1 i totally argee with this ... GLOATER ! if u don't FLY shut UP!
there are many people out there who enjoy their jobs over money .
so what if he makes lesser money ! as long as they enjoy their jobs !
i have SYFC instructors who could have crossed-over to other places but chosed to stay because they have the passion for teaching us REGARDLESS OF PAY !
I never said that there are no "people who enjoy their jobs over money". I also never said that it's not ok to make "lesser money as long as they enjoy their jobs". Once again, the illiteracy issue is in your way. Why should someone who says something that you don't like "shut up"? This is not an actual question. It's rhetorical.
Like it or not, you can glorify SIA all you want. It will always be known nowadays as the airline with ugly stewardesses who think that they are Paris Hilton haha and it's only a matter of time that it goes under when it's already making a loss. thats why now have to charge a pittance of peanuts of USD$100 for exit row seats. Sad...
Originally posted by Gloater:I asked him liao. He said he said 5 mths is the year's total (and not just the year end one which can only be 1-2 mths) and apparently SAF gives bonuses give in several different stages like some GLCs, in 3 or 4 components. So it's AWS + performance + fixed bonus.
hmm, in that case yeah collectively the bonus is possible to hit that amount.
note that performance bonus is variable ; it ranges from zero to 0.5 to 2 mths if u did super well.
then u got some one time bonuses or market adjustments ....
then your annual bonus. so prob when he told you it was a GOOD year for him when he said 5 mths cause it doesn't happen every year. or unless he super high flyer then every year is a G$$D year.
damn... so lucky. haha.