Just receive my ops manning
sms and be told to be on standby on 1st wk of july. I have a few
question and there are as follows:
1) What is 22logspgp and what is vocation is in there?
2) Where is it?
3) What to do for ops manning? And will it activate? (Most likely it is)
4) Is ops manning counter as a reservist recall?
for qn 1 n 2, answers are at 'my unit' module @ www.ns.sg (for reservist)
qn 3, just pack ur FBO, if activated by means of open/slient mob with ur reservist unit codeword, just go back to ur reservist unit camp (mob centre).
qn 4, its only a recall, not counted as any ict... and mostly happen on weekends. n not always activated everytime units on standby...
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