First you say:
Originally posted by Gloater:The previous COAs need not even be chief guards ... The common denominator among them is that they are clever.
Then you say
Originally posted by Gloater:it's very true that commando officers very very hard to be general. That's because Commandos are way too specialised, and they're like in their own little world, their own little clique with their own spirit blah blah, totally ostracised and detached from the SAF. They're part of the family but like a branch so different from the rest, similar to that odd eccentric sibling at home that doesn't mix with the rest.To be a general, one has to have a wide horizon view of the organisation. That is why it's called general, right?> to be a generalist hahaha.
Then you flip back on yourself and say:
Originally posted by Gloater:After CO tour, a commando officer is taken out and has to go to non commando units liao in order to proceed. So he said an officer's journey as a commando even if sign on at the start as commando ends by 30 yr old (if he's a scholar). So no different at all.
Can you make up your mind?
Originally posted by Gedanken:First you say:
Then you say
Then you flip back on yourself and say:
Can you make up your mind?
I do not see anything opposing element. Pls explain. You just quote what i said separately then claim it opposes? i dun see it. Pls explain.
If you don't see how you've contradicted yourself, then you're obviously too busy babbling and trying to get on other people's nerves to actually make a sensible point.
Do yourself a favour, read through what you've written and try to understand what you've said. I don't hold a lot of hope that you'll succeed since you're obviously saying things just for the sake of saying something/anything, but at the very least it'll keep you out of the hair of people who actually care about the topic at hand.
you don't understand something =/= make my opinion wrong. u read carefully again and come back to me.
I think Gloater has still failed to understand the term "combat support" ... U seems to be telling me that, between a rifleman and between a Gunner/Signaller, u will choose the rilfeman whom is not trained in Arty guns and poorly skilled with signal equipment. Luckily, u are not a regular ... .. Am I safe to say that?
I will take a gunner or signaller whom is 'not as well trained as' the rifleman in terms of firefight. I am no gunner or signaller. But i am pretty sure that for arty, are are certain tatics in defense ... and trust me, without my signaller, means i will go and fight with that darned signal set ??? My CO was so afraid that there weren't enuff signallers with him outfield. We had to even "T-loan" signallers. If u think signallers were suppsoedly so slack ... will such a situation occur? Combat support is vital. While Combat Support are supposedly "not as proficient" in gunfights, without it, any combat arms unit is crippled.
I think u have failed to see how combat support arms function in the 3 stages of pre-ops, ops phase and post-ops phase ... While in ops phase, Arty might seems more relaxed ... but both at post-ops and pre-ops ... there are much more stuff to be done. The same goes for signallers. I think u might not know that signallers go through a 40km route march in FBO with their signal sets and spare batteries ...
I am not sure if this applies to the other comabt arms as well. But there is saying that "When if is only left wiht the CO and the Pioneer Platoon, the CO has to protect the pioneer platoon" ...
Originally posted by Gloater:you don't understand something =/= make my opinion wrong. u read carefully again and come back to me.
Figured as much you'd need to be spoonfed, junior.
Originally posted by Gloater:The previous COAs need not even be chief guards ... The common denominator among them is that they are clever.
After CO tour, a commando officer is taken out and has to go to non commando units liao in order to proceed. So he said an officer's journey as a commando even if sign on at the start as commando ends by 30 yr old (if he's a scholar). So no different at all.
Well and good. So a CDO officer, if he's as clever as his contemporaries in the other units, can finish his CO tour, gain a wider view of the rest of the army through rotations in non commando units and down the track have as much of a shot at COA as an Armour, Infantry or Engineer officer who goes through other units to broaden his experience. By your argument, take an officer with the right qualities (being clever in your grossly oversimplified paradigm), rotate him though other units after his CO tour as you already acknowledge takes place, and his being a CDO isn't a hinderance.
That's all fine until you come up with drivel like:
Originally posted by Gloater:That's because Commandos are way too specialised, and they're like in their own little world, their own little clique with their own spirit blah blah, totally ostracised and detached from the SAF. They're part of the family but like a branch so different from the rest, similar to that odd eccentric sibling at home that doesn't mix with the rest.To be a general, one has to have a wide horizon view of the organisation.
So make up their mind - are they rotated through other units (thereby getting a wide view of the overall organisation), or do they stay in their own little CDO world and get "way too specialised"? If a CDO officer completes tours in other units, by definition he can't be too specialised.
Now is that simple enough, or should I draw it in crayon and get your mummy to help you with the big words?
Seems you're too busy calling other folks sissy to realise that you're being stupid. Now the adults want to talk, so run along and play, okay pumpkin? I'm done with you.
I said being chief guards does not make you a COA contender because only 1 COA so far is from guards. the rest are from other combat arms, and 1 is even from combat support. the common denominator is that they are clever.
i said commando will decrease the chance of becoming a general because generals require helicopte view. commandoes are cloistered for as long as they remain as commando. it is not impossible, but it decreases the chances of someone as opposed to if he didn't go commando at all. Gettit?
only commando is singled out because ONLY they are cloistered from the rest.That's why I said commandos do suffer a disadvantage, but that DOES NOT contradict how BESIDES commandoes (the only exception), the rest of the combat and combat support arms you see many scholars equally distributed. And you see COAs who have come from both combat and combat support arms. Except commando. Gettit?
So besides commando, the rest of the arms pretty much equal chance and pretty much does not make a difference. Clever can liao. Thats wat I said. Want to die die go commando also can. Not impossible, just decrease his own chance against his non CDO SAFOS rivals all things being equal thats all.
I went on to say that for a SAFOS best career by sequence is combat, followed by combat support, followed by commando. Its simple. You have seen most COAs from combat arms, and 1 from combat support. None from Commando.
then i related to you what a combat scholar who did not go to commando said. he's speaking from his perspective as a SAFOS. who normally become CO in their early 30s, so for them even the ones who go CDO only have a different route from their counterparts for the first 5-8 yrs. But of cos you can say that still makes a difference. They may be perceived as having disadvantage compared to a SAFOS who was in armour or infantry all the way from age 23.
I was offering the view point of someone else. To me choosing commando will decrease chance for career advancement for a scholar. It will be harder for him if all things being equal he rival with another scholar who did not go commando. he will lose out. But it is not impossible for him to get 1 star.
I stood by my points and offered the viewpoint of someone else I heard. How is that contradicting? Do you read newspapers?
Or you are one of those who only read the cyberlosers' essays aka myopic, one-sided JOBLESS socio-political bloggers (blogging losers) thus too used to one trick pony and one track propaganda style of writing? Must be lor...
Originally posted by Gloater:Clever can liao.
If clever can liao, how does being a Commando change the guy's chances?
Need me to bring out the crayons for this simple point?
Keep talking shit. You're funny.
Anyway most of us normal thinking humans know this: to know what's the possibility/impossibility, and if possible, then what probability of something happening, very logical. Just look at HISTORICAL TRENDING.
When you never seen a farmer COA/CNV/CAF before, means farmer got no chance/cannot be COA/CNV/CAF.
When you never saw a commando COA before, means commando got no chance to be COA.
When you see a commando get BG only once every yrs, means commando got the least/poorest chance of getting BG.
When you see 3-4 COA from combat arms, 1 from combat support, zero from commando, means if i am a SAFOS I choose according to this order: combat best chance, combat support second, last commando.
When I see every yr scholars go to equal distribution of arms, 1 scholar in each arm (inf, armour, guards, combat engin, signals, arti) except commando, everyone can draw their own conclusions. it means commando got decrease chance. the rest quite equal IF YOU ARE SMART.
That is life. And thats how people know things and how scientists conduct experiments and statisticians churn analyses and logicians create theories.
For most of us, I don't know about you, we don't need to go far to see the truth cos most of the time it stares at us in our faces.
Originally posted by Gedanken:If clever can liao, how does being a Commando change the guy's chances?
Need me to bring out the crayons for this simple point?
Keep talking shit. You're funny.
It decreases because it is cloistered!!!! They dun even get to know what the rest of SAF operates. If cdo got all the way up to brigade/div level and CDOs stay in there all the way to DIVs, confirmed dunno anything else about SAF. be what general?? general worker more like it!!!!
Are you so simple you can't understand ah? got study last time or not??
if CDO is super smart IQ 160 president's scholar type vs someone very stupid in armour, then he is still ahead of the person.
if CDO is super smart IQ 160 president's scholar type vs an armour/inf super smart IQ 160 president's scholar type for the COA post, he will be disadvantaged cos he was in CDO and that will be his loss of edge! gettit??
Last time got study, ALL THINGS BEING EQUAL?!
No wonder you need crayons.. gosh. I swear some gifted 14 yr old kids in sec schools easily got ALL THINGS BEING EQUAL when it was told to them.
Oh, so now "clever can liao" has become "clever can liao, EXCEPT if you are a commando". That's as close as you're going to get to being an adult and admitting that you contradicted yourself, I suppose.
Anyway, while you were busy spewing more shit, you just buttfucked yourself again:
Originally posted by Gloater:When you never saw a commando COA before, means commando got no chance to be COA.
That is life. And thats how people know things and how scientists conduct experiments and statisticians churn analyses and logicians create theories.
Fermi and Oppenheimer never saw a nuclear explosion before the Manhattan Project. Did they pack up and go home? Experiments are conducted and theories formulated to explore things that were not known before, but while you're pontificating about scientists and such, you're just too ready to hypocritically conclude that there's no chance of something just because you've never seen it. Bloody Nora, you're dumb as dogshit, and your hypocrisy just focuses a searchlight on what an inane, uneducated, uncultured, childish little twat you are.
Keep coming up with these gems - they're great amusement value. It's even more side-splitting when you get into pathetically grandiose rants about "historical trending" and "logicians" while deftly tripping yourself up over the most rudimentary points - the juxtaposition of your narcissism and your ineptitude is comedy of the highest order.
Originally posted by Gloater:yes its generally understood among combat officers are combat support arms are sissy. such as arty, signals are the two sissiest....
i wonder you have ever enlisted in service.. ever carry a 155 round? or setting up signals or hump with a set itself? Or you just some kind of General groupie who keep track of all SAF senior staff officers career path and know what kind of car they drive whatsoever? i think you ough't to fuck off
Ged, long time no see. Still around the tramline? Hehe.
well, i personally feel that signals has a better life than combat engineers. jurong camp ii, 30sce. opposite is 3rd signals. can really feel the heaven and hell difference.
but for arty, when they clean the guns, they need a very big piece of featherlite to do it...
next upcoming cdo bg is lee wei cheng.
Originally posted by LazerLordz:Ged, long time no see. Still around the tramline? Hehe.
Yeah, it got a bit busy for a while there - charlie bloody mike for a few weeks at a stretch, so i had to keep my powder dry. Figured I'd just pop back to keep things real, and it looks like Narcissistic Nancy here was more than happy to oblige.
Lee Wei Cheng is still a COL right?
Yes he has a promising future, and i think he might make it to CCO.
He's a very nice man, but i've not had the chance to work with him to know if he'll make a good general... but he does have the makings of a good officer.
Originally posted by sir sickolot II:do you think this is the first Malay BG we will see (or has there been others which i don't know of?)
since Comd 6 Div is a BG held appt by estab, I think COL Ishak will be promoted.
Side note, anyone knows if former Comd 6 Div BG Lim Teck Yin is a Commando? I have rarely seen a commando promoted to BG. urban myth has it that CDOs are not allowed to assume general rank leadership....
he is not a Malay, Malay will never become a BG.
Originally posted by Bedoks:he is not a Malay, Malay will never become a BG.
further info?
Originally posted by Bedoks:he is not a Malay, Malay will never become a BG.
COL Ishak Bin Ismail
what does the name imply abt the race or religion then?
Originally posted by sir sickolot II:Lee Wei Cheng is still a COL right?
Yes he has a promising future, and i think he might make it to CCO.
He's a very nice man, but i've not had the chance to work with him to know if he'll make a good general... but he does have the makings of a good officer.
yup, currently overseas and doing fine. my friend's uncle. lol.
Originally posted by Rednano:
COL Ishak Bin Ismail
what does the name imply abt the race or religion then?
lol, owned. but he married to a chinese wife. interesting. find him very committed during his stint as comd bmtc.
Originally posted by Unknown_X:
lol, owned. but he married to a chinese wife. interesting. find him very committed during his stint as comd bmtc.
maybe the wife have converted to Islam?
all pay high salary
but do nothing
work half way go and play golf
Originally posted by Gedanken:Oh, so now "clever can liao" has become "clever can liao, EXCEPT if you are a commando". That's as close as you're going to get to being an adult and admitting that you contradicted yourself, I suppose.
Anyway, while you were busy spewing more shit, you just buttfucked yourself again:
Fermi and Oppenheimer never saw a nuclear explosion before the Manhattan Project. Did they pack up and go home? Experiments are conducted and theories formulated to explore things that were not known before, but while you're pontificating about scientists and such, you're just too ready to hypocritically conclude that there's no chance of something just because you've never seen it. Bloody Nora, you're dumb as dogshit, and your hypocrisy just focuses a searchlight on what an inane, uneducated, uncultured, childish little twat you are.
Keep coming up with these gems - they're great amusement value. It's even more side-splitting when you get into pathetically grandiose rants about "historical trending" and "logicians" while deftly tripping yourself up over the most rudimentary points - the juxtaposition of your narcissism and your ineptitude is comedy of the highest order.
Little (possibly sissy) boy, after you lose, spewing a whole bunch of convoluted English does not make you "win". You sound like a dog humping.