No, unless ur commanders say otherwise. I got route march plus duty during natl day, so dun complain. Its only normal for soldiers to be working during public holidays.
haha, usually in the army this kind of thing ask. if can, good. if not, llst.
i like to buy duties on public holiday..get so much money
should have OIL lah...
national day leh, the following monday also public holiday somemore. by mindef directive, you will be given OIL.
vegetable or peanut?
regimental duty leh...u think what?
Originally posted by Master -_-:vegetable or peanut?
Off-In-Lieu suddenly become vegetable and peanuts.
only from the same unit that you serve... so you have to ask your current unit if you can claim off day for that day of service.
Originally posted by Forbiddensinner:Off-In-Lieu suddenly become vegetable and peanuts.
sorry la captain obvious
Originally posted by Master -_-:sorry la captain obvious