Hi. Need help from expert. I am going to ORD in march this year. However, i have been informed that i will be on ops manning for 2 weeks in may. what's happening? Haven ord or gotten reservist unit already informed that i may be called up? Activation i report back to my current camp or wat? I plan to start my local degree in april for returning NSmen. shouldn't i be in IHL or evergreen unit? Could a mistake have been made?
Obviously, you did not read this guide that has been already made a sticky topic...
Go here:
1) www.sgforums.com/forums/1390/topics/323568
Arrangement with Institutes of Higher Learning (IHL)
MINDEF has an existing arrangement with the three local universities (i.e. NUS, NTU and SMU) for undergraduate NSmen who are studying in these universities to be called up for ICT only during specific parts of the university vacations. In turn, the universities will ensure that no academic programmes are scheduled during this period. This arrangement is applicable to undergraduate NSmen in their first three years of studies.
NSmen pursuing full-time tertiary education are NOT disrupted from NS. They can be called up for NS activities such as ICT, IPPT and mobilisation manning.