Guys as above, when enlistment, black plastic specs can already or need to be more specific as in non glossy or glossy? Cos i bought a glossy type for army. So just to check whether can be able to wear to camp?
Originally posted by linwei20:Guys as above, when enlistment, black plastic specs can already or need to be more specific as in non glossy or glossy? Cos i bought a glossy type for army. So just to check whether can be able to wear to camp?
Actually I think this qns was asked some times back. But I thought this had to depend on your Company. During my times, my PC did not ask us to do the black plastic one. As long as non shining can already. I wore my old black metal frame back then. After my CMC, that pair broke liao. But advice, don't wear an expensive pair for BMT lah.
No no no, not cheap black specs, is all about spectacles (MOD). This title not nice to hear man.. haha
Use black tape if necessary. Any judgement is just up to your company's rules.